Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — FUNERAL OF FRANK BROWN [ARTICLE]

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ffiS BURIED IN HUUAIUCEMETERY - NUMEROUS FRIENDS OF THE DE CEASED ASSEMBLE TO ATTEND SERVICES . Rev. Alex. Mackintosh Officiates. Several Hymns Sung by Choir of Second Congregation Large Number of Kamaainas Present. Big Procession and Flowers. The immense popularity of the late Frank Brown could best be -seen yesterday by the vast number of people who attended his funeral, which took place at 3:30 p. m. from hfs late residence on King street, near Piikol. The body lay in state in a beautiful marble gray casket in the front room. The casket was covered with floral offerings and a whole wealth of flow ers was piled up at the sides all around it. People crowded this room and the large lanai. some having to stand on the steps and in the yard on account of the condition in the house. Rev. Alexander Mackintosh officiated. He read the funeral service of the Church of England. During the service the hymns “Jesus. Lover ■ of My Soul” and “Just As I Am" i were sung by the choir of the Second ( Congregation of St. Andrew’s Cathed- i ral. s

At Nuuanu Cemetery. After these services the cortege wended its way to the Xuuanu cemetery. where the interment took place. A long procession of hacks and other vehicles followed the hearse. At the grave the interment services were read by Rev. Alexander Mackintosh, who also read aloud the hymn "On Resurrection Day." The grave was covered with such a mass of wreaths and flowers as has not been seen in Honolulu for a long time.

{ Many Friends of Deceased. f The pallbearers were H. M. von f Holt. F. W. Wundenberg. J. H. Soper, j O. St. John Gilbert. George Smithies . and C. M. V. Foster. » Among those present were: Cecil t Brown. Judge Hart. L. W. Hart, Judge , Whiting, Judge Wilcox. Professor [ Alexander. Captain John Ross. Allan Herbert, Horace Crabbe. W. F. Al- , len. F. A. Schaefer, C. C. Brown. W. . H. Cornwell. George W. Macfarlane. Henry Macfarlane. H. W. Schmidt. G. W. R. King. W. D. Monsarrat, J. W. Wilcox, A. Dryer, J. O. Carter. W. Lanz. Sara Allen. M. P. Robinson. W. O. Smith, A. S. Cleghorn. J. A. Hassinger. E. S. Cunha. A. Hocking, John Lucas. Andrew Brown. L. L. McCandless. J. M. McCandless. H. E. Allen. Flag Half-Masted. By order of Governor Dole the government offices In the Capitol were closed yesterday afternoon and the flag was half masted out of respect to the memory of the late Frank Brown, who died on Monday morning. The deceased was a former member of the L< gisiature. Mrs. Whitney Dead. News Las been received from the Coast that Mrs. Mary T. Whitney, wife of Captain George H. Whitney, inspector of hulls and boilers died at Redlands. San Bernardino county, on December 21. The deceased leaves behind her a husband and two small children.