Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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THIRD AND LAST Great Clearance Sale j« .< SI.OO Waists far. S .50 54.80 Waists for S2JS 1.53 200 2.50 3.00 3.50 (i k it ti it (i (i it ti .IS 1.00 1.25 1.50 1,75 459 5.09 6.09 6.59 *» ti tt it ii i« it ti tt it 2.25 2.50 2.75 m 125 Shirt Waists at Half Price WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD, cmimmirrrrTT H M H H a 3 3 * M M H H a M A boy once wrote; “I luv a rooster fer tew things—one iz the krow that iz in him. and the other Is the spurs that air on him to bak up his crow with." • • • We admit having crowed often and loud, but we have the "spurs to back up the krow." • • • We sell pure and wholesome Groceries. = H. MAY & CO., Ltd, « H H H H H s it H H K Boston!Blo(“k. Fort Street. a Telephones, 22, 24, 92. i*. O. Box 3S*5. •> ■* " ta M « « ► * fi s * M * M N : & H H * £ M M K N ft ft * H N 8 vxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxxxxgxxrix’xxxxxxxxxxxxxixxT.:. - x ix TOU ENJOY IT; YOU NEEL IT, TOO. PRIMO LAGER lla> all the wonderful tonic properties* pure hops and malt. Absolutely pure and properly ajred. Order a trial case from the Brewery. TELEPHONE MAIN 341. DELIVERED FREE IN CUT. The Drawing Room Of one's house betrays whatever refinement and goes l terete there is in its adornment to the casual visitor. A VISIT to our store will convince any one of the exoftence of our stock and the reasonableness of our prices. 11. 11. Williams*, 1 146-1 148 FOl}T STREET. “Union” Gas Engines STATIONARY MARINE^** Agents von Hamm-Young Co,,Lti MAJN 276.

Ladies’ Underwear SHUTS ud CHEMISES Sl*-;- Vj Ort-r tad *» ir •» DRESSMAKING! Good Fit Guaranteed. B»-st Workman ship. Lowest Price*. HXTV ANT ATBST7E Ho4hl Sc LJ. SUN. 3 SEATTLE BEER! ill On Draught or in * j ;l •» at the "CRITERION” 8 5 t

VI G. IRWIN I Cl., lit 030 ft’m. G Irwin..Pr-**l<l**at ft «*rt Clans Spreckrls.. Rivt Vu* W. M Giffard VI c» H M. Whitcej, Jr.. .Trns. Ser*? 000 Sugar Factors —AN> Commission AgerCßes, 000 AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic S. S. Co. Of S»n Fra»*:i«c;3 Cat