Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CYtfcUILSStS SPECTJKtUtS RIGHT—II S T RIGH T. ★ * * We fit EycsghsKS an I Spectacles (ami rit them Rich: —I ■ Right. We | tit claves to old eye* to cive better I v>; -v. an I*■ presvr.. t; efight. We 1 ht to young eyes f r the re- • evils. ; Frames Right, Lenses Right, Treatment Right Prises Right. RIGHT OUR W AV. please. A, N. SANPORD, i Boston Building. Fort street. \\oHoViU\iVl fltViS The Tri-Weekly Leading Newspaper. Best Job Printing at Lowest Prices. Proprietor, • - DR. T MITA3ICRA Editor, T. StintUßA OFFICE: River Street near Beretania Bridge. P. 0. Box 842. Tel. White 541. Claus Spreckels & Co. Bankers HONOLULU. - H.T San Francisco Agent? The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANCISCO—The Nevada NaI tional Bank of San Francisco. LONDON—The Union Bank of Lon don. Ltd. i NEW YORK —American Exchange National Ban!* CHICAGO Merchants National ! i Bank. PARIS —Credit Lyonnais. BERLlN—Dresden Bank. HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA— j The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking j Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA —Bank of New Zealand VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER— Bank of British North America. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits Received. Loans Made on • Approved Security. Commercial and j Travelers’ Credit Issued. Bills of Ex ; change Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FOR. • T" ' ' . C > Fresh milk “ CREAM “ BUTTER “ BUTTER MILK Delivered twice daily to any part the town. fBT THE Star DAIRY When ordering ring up BLUE 3171. A. B. DOAK - Manager j City office, phone Main 391, P O. B x 22. OAHU RAILWAt LAND GO TIME TABLE G. P. DENISOV T. C SMITH. Superintecdeat. P. & T. A.