Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — EDITOR AND OFFICE BOY. [ARTICLE]

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Gai ajTer in Rea L*e a S'j'-T>y-"3 Problem. iXr-w York Commercials John Hamlin Fitch, d**ws editor and lit- ntrjr critic of the San Fran- > cisco Chronicle. is canalc- red one cf th 1 *t sj*-n In Aseria.l He has been with tae Chronicle overtwenty year* and has made it what it is in a news way. Pitch is a n*rvons man and maintain* rig'd discipline in hts depart m*-nt. The sgieediiors ar : net allowed to smoke or talk aloud, and the lesult is harmony an 1 a clear at- | mosp be re. The ban* of Fitch’s life ' ■ ’ ,aT;: fF. - hoj has b--n !oi._ red -hort acd red-h-ane i and blond and b n different abot;t event month, as hi* vices were discovered ar.il h • wa* ‘ fired." The prite boy was one ‘Shorty." who ha* lately ;i arrested for burglary aft*-- a lurid iar-er as a horse stealer. "Shorty" was about 16 years old htr looked to b, 9. wa* four feet eigat in<h- s high—sawed-off and 1 hammered down. Resides receiving visitor.* and telling them that the ed itor was not in. hi* dutv it was to answer on* cf th telephones. Like all n*’wspap r*. the Chronicle ha been annoyed oy p*rson* bringing 1 formal death notices, that should gc to the advertising depart m-nt. tij t tc th . citorial room*, and s Short.' ' “ was instructed to send these people down stair.*. It is the custom of the I ited 1 fees ’.a notify all big * m wspapers raking its service of an> i important event a* early as possible so that preparations may be made I 1 for handUng the news. One after noon the Associated Press manager called up the office for Mr. Fitch. “Shorty" answered the ‘phone. "Tell Mr. Fitch that Bismarck is dead," said the Associated Press i man. A “Take your death notices to the i business office," said “Shorty." and hung up the receiver. This w-as very early in th« after I when Fitch arrived at 7 o’clock that evening to take charge I for the night he found Bismarck copy flooding the office. The Associated Press was shouted at over the wire’ an l the disgruntled manager told hi* ! tab of "Shorty's" answ* r. “Shorty" was fired.