Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 Ianuali 1902 — Personal News. [ARTICLE]
Personal News.
V C. Warner left for Maui ports yesterday evening W. K Case has gone to Hilo on a business mission S T Alexander left yesterday afternoon for the Coast Mrs. Will Vida left yesterday for Hawaii and Maui ports. E. E Richardson returned yesterday to Hilo by the Kinaa. Mrs. W. M. Kennedr departed yesterds v by the SL rra for th J Coast. Judge McKav Is over from Wall ilka. Maui, attending to business mat t»rs. D B Mac. aa»hie and Daa Conway left yesterday for Hilo on a business mission. J. D. Young was among the depaitmg passengers for the C ast by the Sierra yesterday. Mrs Waller Lowrie and child sail-1
1 cd for their home, on Maui, by the ■ Claud tne yesterday. Attorney E C. Peters left for a month’s business trip to the Coast by the Sierra yesterday. W. A Wall was a passenger in the K'.nau for Kona yesterday. He resumes his duties as surveyor for the 5 Kona Kau Railway. Professor Koebele. the Territorial entomologist, left yesterday for Hawaii on a t.’or of investigation concerning cane pests and various blights. Mr and Mrs. Julian Monsarrat de parted for th ir home at Kapapaia Ranch on Hawaii yesterday. Mrs. Monsarrat has been away to the Coast on an extended trip. Jam c « Wakefield, connected with the dry goods department of Theo. H Davies & Company, has left for the Coast. Mr Wakefield win bring his wife and family from England upon his return. Th*- Misses Mable Jones Eva Dennis and Bessie Church, who have, n th- guests of Miss Stella Love in this city, were passengers in the Sierra for the Coast. Rev Dean M Grogan a prominent clergyman, and well known through cut Australia, was among the passengers brought by the Sierra from the Colonies yesterday. R-v. Grogan will remain in the islands for some little time. James J. Griffin, who for the past six months has been in charge of the night delivery window at the pest , office, has retired from the service i owing to poor health. The Christmas rush, added to the long night vigils, proved a great strain on his health but his many friends hope to see him at the window again very soon.