Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — ELKS SCORE BIG SUCCESS [ARTICLE]

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OBP3EUI’S CONTINUOUS SHOW PROGRAM CF UNUSUAL MERIT GIVEN BY GALAXY OF CLEVER ARTISTS. A. E. Murphy Extends Thanks to Performers and Spectators, and Also Tells of the Growth of Elkdom in This City—First Benefit a Credit to Enterprising Committee Honolulu Lodge B P. O. E , No. ‘ll6. scored a triumphal success in the benef.t performance given yesterday afternoon at the Orpheum Theater, at which every available seat w-as taken by those who eagerly availed themselves of the opportunity to again witness one of the cleverest vaudeville programs that ha? graced tbespian boards in this city for many a day.

Long before the last echoes from Berger's band, stationed in front of the Orpheum. had died away, the interior was filled from orchestra rail to gallery with a typical Honolulu audience. While many were arrayed in their finest frocks and sombre dress suits, the matinee was one character istic of all Elkdorn in that it abounded in that delightful freedom from formality, while the spirit of good fellowship pervaded everywhere. An Excellent Program. The program consisted of a pleas ing arrangement of the best talent drawn from two companions of vaudevile artists now in Honolulu. The performance was continuous, only in- j termissions cf Lss than a minute characterizing the affair from first to last. The program cf unusual merit was presented through the courtesy of J. G. Rial of the Lee aud Rial World's Entertainers, the Hogan Fun Makers. More than cne member of the popu lar order took occasion to express their thanks to J. C. Cohen, the Orpheum manager, for his kindness in donating the free use of the playhouse. thereby assisting the Elks in deriving profit from the entertainment. With a sense of deep obligation the Elks remembered Rose Sutherland. M ile Ferrari. Hope Haddon. M ile Adeie. Madam N'elllson. Prof. Powell and company, Beit Flam. Ferrari and the St. Onge Brothfrs. Of the Hogan company the creditors of the i I .edge were Hogan, McClain, Mrae Cordelia. ! .

f Wjrks of Elkdom. During a brief intermission A. E i Murphy took occasion to express tht ■’ united thankfulness of the B P. O. r E. to those who had materially as • sisted in making the benefit a tho* i yugh financial success. 1 Mr. Murphy also dwelt at some • length upon the aims of the order: and the broad charity which marked 1 the progress of Eikdom throughout • the whole world. He told of the growth of the Elks lodge from the time it was instituted. April 15th. Wdl, until the present date with its r apidly increasing membership. The > Order has its own home and, in addition to the lodge rooms proper, there is a club room where the members of the Order find that relaxation which makes up the complete life. Hogan's Clever Song. In closing. Mr. Murphy extended a cordial invitation to all the performers of each company to call at Elk hail at the close of the regular meet mg announced for last evening. The program abounded in clever “Ud taking "turns" To attempt a general review would hardly do jus tice to the individual performers Each was at his cr her best. All en tered into the glad hearted spirit of the occasion When Hogan appeared ! efore the footlights and sang a three-versed topical song regarding Honolulu Elks, his references to ex alted Ruler Dr. C. B Cooper simply to k the house by storm. It can be said that the first benefit given by the Honolulu lodge of "Best People on Earth" was in every way a finished and qualified success, and reflected great credit upon the enter tainment committee of Elks consisting of W, D Adams. Alien Dunn. H D. Couxons, Visiting Brother T. Clar ence Harvey and Milton M Kchn