Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 Ianuali 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


A fresh shipment of Chinese silks of all kind' just open'd. Goo Kim Nuuanu street. Stov s are a necessity in every household, you can buy them ch ap, you cay. buy them expensive. If you want a really fine stove for a reasonable price, buy a "Michigan. The Pt.iillc Hardware Co. Beer, in spite of all the law court decisions rendered lately‘is stMl l nts a glass The AI iha Saloon. •«n b> the iron Works. For fresh m-'at and vegetables patronise the Metropolitan Meat Co. Our discount sale is one of the sales that you can always be sure of a h-ing thorough and reliable in * very way. E. W. JordanLight your store with the new ea-clo-ed type of Arc Lights which are jroving such a success with cur merchants. The Hawaiian Electric Co. A nice washing tie. to be obtained in any shade required, for small n my. at the Hash Store. For; and Hotel streets. x When your eyes are fce'ir.g sore aui your glasses do not seem to ren- J r you any assistance, drop in and see A N Sanford, consulting optician. Boston block. Contracts taker on all kinds of; work and carried out promptly. F. H i Redwanl. Punchbowl street. The best is always the cheapest in!

the end. and when a hous“ is known , to carry reliable goods, it is best t" patronize it; see Hoffschlacger Co.’s ud on page 5. Don’t waste money on a revolver which you’ll probably hart yourself with: telephone Blue 121! fra water,man Condons Night Petrol It is about tim J you bought your self a new straw hat: when doing a*l in at G. Debt’s. Nuuaru av nuo. Men’s furnishing of every descrip tton and style always la strk. a large quantity of Japanese curios Iwckar.’.i & Co.. Hetel stre t. It is t;me you were sending your ! ■ t'tre home. rvnv mber our cabinet photos will only cost you IJ.V* per t* ten. R. Susumago, comer cf Maunak a and King streets When baying your groceri s. rent mber Frank Aveiro’s new grocery Peretania street, near corner of A'a ke a. Have a good man to repair yonr roof: anything in the line of water pip *. metal sheeting etc. done W H Barth. Star block. Messrs Russell « Watson, atyr toys and ofik Magcoa bai'Jing. comer Aiak:a and Merchant streets A list of the new officers elected by the Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co. is published in this paper elsewhere.