Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 Ianuali 1902 — ORDERS GO FORWARD IN BAMANO APPEAL [ARTICLE]
) ROQL 0!S SAILOR NATURALIZED Matte-* in United States District Courts—Judge Estee's New Order—Demurrers Filed—Divorce Case Desertion Alleged. Tt.o orders by United States Judge Estee w -nt forward to the Coast in the Sierra mail yesterday. One is ' directed to the Board of Appraisers in New York, for the return of evidence in the appeal of Hamano from their ruling in regard to certain Japanese saoes. ordering that the three United Slates General Appraisers on duty at the Port of New York. State of New York, "do with all convenient speed return to this court the evidence taken by them in this matter.” The second order directs the Hon. H M Somerville, one of the Board of Appraisers, to take such further evidence as may be necessary on behalf of Hamano. Under the statute relating to the , naturalization of seamen. Chris Less. , a Norwegian, was yesterday made a i citizen. He is a sailor aboard the United States ship Iroquois and has been in the naval service of the United Stales for the past three years. Judge Estee adopted a new rule in ' the Federal Court yesterday, number 12S providing that Monday should be 1 law and motion day, and that such matters should be heard at 10 o'clock 1 every Monday. Circuit Court Matters. I ( John Kidwell. by his attorneys. : Robertson & Wilder, has filed a demurrer to the complaint of Frank G jdfrey. in an action to quiet titles, saying that the complaint does not stab’ facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action, besides being am- ( blguous. unintelligible and uncertain. By his attorneys, Robertson Wilder. High Sheriff A. M. Brown demurs to the complaint of F. Lom- ; bard, claiming damages for false im 1 prisonraent. saying that the facts al-
leged. according to the face of the complaint, occurred more than two years before the filing of the com-: plaint. Deputy Sheriff H. S. Overend. of Hilo, has made return of summons as served on defendant in a libel for divorce brought by William K. Kino against Ellen Kino. Desertion is alleged. .