Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — NASTURTIUM IS MADE THE DERBY FDVORITE [ARTICLE]

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NEW YORK. Jan. 10—A cable to the World from London says; The arrival of William C. Whitney s !>r-rhy camudate. Nasturtium, and the elaborate precautions taken for the comfort and* safety of the animal on the voyage have been the leading topics in raring circles during the week. ‘'Vigilant." of the Sportsman, me most expert of prophets, already

give* Nasturtium a* first favorite for the Derby and bets are being recorded on that basis. The opinion of ex-! P-rv- here is that Nasturtium Is the ' best looking animal ever sent over from the United States. His fine ( quarters and splendid shoulders are • ?pec;aUr noted. He ha* not been in any way injured by the voyage and ■ has been exercised daily since his arrival at Huggins’ stable, Newmarket.