Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — PORTUGUESE HAVE TROUBLE [ARTICLE]

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ELECTION OF OFFICERS IS FOID MEETING CALLED FOR LAST NIGHT POSTPONED AS RESULT OF CLEVER MOVE. Over Three Hundred People Were Present—Portuguese Grocerymen Are After the Treasurer's Scalp—Position Brings Him Much Saturday Night Business. Over three hundred members of th° I.usiiana Society assembled last night at Lusitana kail on Alapai street in answer to a call sent out by the president of the Society in order to consider some amendments to the by-laws which have been proposed by some of the members. As soon as the president declared the meeting open, however, a member pro posed that the meeting bo adjourned until some future date, which was approved by & large majority. Lively Fight Among Members. An earnest and lively fight is on am ng the members of the Lusitana Society. Some time last month the annual elections took place and new • officers were elected. On January Ist the organisation celebrated the anniversary of the foundation of the Society and everything seemed to presage a good future ahead. Another meeting took place on January 12th to install the officers elected J. M. Vivas objected to the proceedings and claimed that the elections had not been fair and were null and void. He moved that they be so declared and the motion was carried. Office o* Treasurer. The fight seems to be over the treasurer's off. -e. Since the foundation of the Society the position has been held by one of the numerous grocery men who thrive about Punchbowl, There are over 400 members of the Society living in Honolulu and their monthly dues are usually paid at the business place of the treasur er. Payments an* generally made on Saturday evenings when the family groceries for the week are also purchased. , The treasurer-elect has b?en hold ing the position now for three years, end some ether grocerymen think they should be given a chance at the butter dish Hence the trouble and, the new elections.