Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — MOHICAN SAILORS ENJOY THE SIGHTS [ARTICLE]
BOYS COME ASHORE FOR FUN. Visit Orpheum and Hear the Band. Over Three Hundred Future Sailors—ltinerary of the Vessel’s Intended Cruise in Pacific. Captain Harry Flint of the harbor police had a busy time yesterday rounding tip a number of sailors from the (raining ship Mohican, who had overstayed their leave on Monday night. By noon they were all locked up at the police station and will be turned over to the officers of the ship. The boys found many attractions in town for their first night of shore I* ave. They went to the best restaurants. visited the Orpheum. took in the Hawaiian band concert, and finally boarded the electric cars and headed for Punahou. Some of them visited Pacific Heights, while others found their way to the Railroad wharf, took a hand in an argument between union and non union sailors, and finally landed in the city bastile. But the behavior of the boys was excellent as a whole. They have all fallen in love with the capital of the Pacific. There are between 300 and 400 rookies on ln*ard the Mohican. They are mostly from the Middle States and never saw a big city until they landed at San Francisco. Rut they ail are enthusiastic over their ship and their work. The Mohican is an old wooden ship, built in IST2 by the States Government at Mare Island. Cal, She is bark rigged and carries an armament of 4 Inch rapid fire guns, four 0-pounders . one 3-pounder, two 1pounders and two Colts Her length between perpendiculars is 210 feet, and bn'adth "7 feet. Her mean draft is 10 feet 0 inches and her displacement 15*"0 tons. She has a horsepower of 1 000. Her speed capacity is 10.03 knots per hour, but her sails are used exclusively whenever the wind is favorable. Her full complement consists of 21 officers and ISO men. Yesterday was washing day aboard the Mohican When a Republican reporter visited the ship there were long strings of duck jumpers and trousers suspended from the fore stay s and sheets. The boys were very clean and tidy and showed signs of good training and education. The Mohican will be here for about ten davs, leaving on January 27 for Christmas Island. She Is due to be hack here for the Fourth of July. J Following is the itinerary of the Mohican's cruise; Reave Honolulu Jan 37. arrive Christmas Island Feb- , friary S. leave Feb. IP; arrive 'Pago Pago February 22. leave March ?; ar- , rive "Guam April 8, leave April, 18: arrive Bonin April 27. leave May 2: a arn at **Tckohsma May 8, leave May 18: arrive 'Honolulu June 23. > leave July 5: arrive 'Bremerton Aug. 4, leave Aug. 6; arrive 'Victoria r Aug. 6. leave Aug. IS; arrive 'Port r Angeles Aug IS. leave Sept. 4; ar-.
rive *San Francisco Sept. 10. ‘Places starred are those to which mail may be sent. Yokohama double starred, is the only port requiring foreign postage; the others require domestic postage simply. The safe permanent address of the ship is Ferry Station. San FVancisco, Cal.