Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
| Ensinwins and Construction Co. ROOMS SCS, 509, 510 STANGENWALO BUILDING. All classes of Engineering Work solicited Etta mi nations, Sn* reys and Reports made fur any class of Waterworks. Steam aai Electrical Construction. Plans and SpeciScatlons and Estimates prepared. ani Construction Superintended in all braa-hes of Engineering Work. Contracts solicited for Railroads, electric and steam; Tana is. Bridges. Buildings. Highways, Foundations Piers. Wharves Et-. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Examination*. Va jaticn*. and Reports of Properties for investment purpose*. FREDERICK J. AMWEG, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Engineer and Manage'. W. R. CASTLE, JR., Secretary and Treasurer. Leading Straw Hat Manufacturers ALL KINDS OF STRAW HATS MADE TO ORDER. HATS WASHED AND PRESSED. Largest Stock of Ladies’ and Gents’ Hats in the city. AX DRY AND FANCY GOODS. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. JAPANESE SILK and COTTON DRESS GOODS. Iwakami Co. HOTEL STREET. HOTEL STREET. The Oriental life Insurance Co., Ltd. The Home Company Issues all modern forms of policies at the lowest |-* rates. Policies issued in both English and Chine- - languages. HOME OFFICE; 301-302 Stan genwald Bldg.. Honolulu. T. H. NEWS FOR THE NEWSPAPER BOYS fO THE MOST En v prising News Boy, who disposes of the most papers of . Che Honolulu Republican during the month of January SWiMER Vd&TCH e>l© TO BE GIVEIM<SOPEN TO ALL I Come and see the Watch, Boys! It’s a Daisy—Stem Winder, Hunting Case, Sterling Silver, + + i Standard Movement ++ ++ ++ + + 44 ■»■+ ++ ++ ++ +4 44 44 JOHNNIE HICKEY won the GOLD WATCH for selling: the most papers up to Christmas Day. A The Robert Grieve Publishing Co Ltd. \l> >l/ >l if VI/ v</ U/ d/ U/ u, til jjj The Robert Grieve Publishing Co., Limited. !R LCorsb.an.’fc Street. HosioltilvUi Jtr . aF • Toes all kinds of Commercial jr.d Job Printing at the low est rate*. Recent additions have been made to the mechanical force which enable the Company to turn out order* promptly. In railroad ana plantation work we excel any other prntlng establish ment in Hawaii. BINDING OF BOOKS, MAGAZINES AND PAPERS la another branch of the art preservative that we give particular attention to. Our bindery ia the most complete in Honolulu and the large amount of work always cn hand attests to the excellence of our bindery. If you want any kind of Printi-Q or Binding done you should patron ze u* if you desire first-class work. jt Jl jl jt Jl j* ,v: IS* W W W W 't' ff\ m m m m