Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Don’t Run Your Legs Off Looking lor t Situation a room a house a servant A 25c inthe REPUBLICAN Will do the Work I Classified Advertisements in this columt tcill be inserted at 10 cents a line firs insertion; 5 cents a line second inser tion; 25 cents, per line per tccek; 3 cents per line Uco ureeks. and 50 cent per kne per month. LOST. | LOST—A small silver watch with golc chain; initials L. T. on watch. R* turn to Hawaiian Hotel. Reward offered. WANTED. j WANTED —At once. 6 or 7 room furnished cottage for light house keeping hy couple with no children i Must be centrally located. Apply Republican office. WANTED —To set*, some fine white Pi* moed rings; also tine opal rings: res sona'ule Watches repaired o: time. G. Dietz, watchmaker and je« -ier. Fort sL, near Hotel, in Preacotf store. WANTED —Girls to do laundry won Apply Sanitary Steam Laundry. K» waiabao and South streets. i WANTED —Two single gentlemen de sire rooms and good table board either in house or cottage near, must not be far from business portion of city. Expc ct to remain permanently If satisfactory and rates reasonable Address A. B . RepubTcan Office. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOM—A splendidly furnished room with excellent board for two gentlemen with prij vate family tn Vineyard street. TO LET —Delightful roomv bath tub# with either hot or cold water, and every improvement and convenient known to the modem age—A’ Silent Barber Shop. '■ " FOR RENT —An eight room cottag* on Young street. Apply J. A. Ms goon. Magooa building. COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON thpretci*** of the Santtarr Steam Taur dry Gol I-td. Marmioa and Sontl street* The cottage* contain 4 room* kitchen and bath room No extrr charge for hot and cold water at electric light*. Beat reasonable. Ap ply on the premiae* to J. Light*;** manager