Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — PERSONAL MENTION. [ARTICLE]

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t Senator Mark Hanre n cefv - three i bushels of l it rs daily H ; ads 5 uo:i» of the’iett - himself, how vct. ■ ;*>j they a~e of a pers nr>' nature. * « • V H Cop land. :h. first train disj. js.toiier in tb- w rid. is at present living ia Ch< noa. a village iu i l;;*ois. (k • » Lord Rosebery says the average ' rt art r spend.; too much lime In munching crab apples, unconscious of the choicest frails of the tree of know ledge.” • • • $ , Pr. f. Harry Thur>ton Feck of Col a ttmbia university, is giving a novel course in Latin versification. The ■ course is unique, being the only one of it; kind in the United Stans. • • • Alfred Edwar Morgans, the new n Western Australia Premier, sp -nt many years mining ia Mexico. where n fce was a personal friend of President Diax. • • • It was th* after-dinner nratorv of Judge Char U-s H. Darling, just appointed Assistant Secret arc of the Navy, that first attracted President RooseveU's attention to him. He is . 2 Vermont r and the wit in the department. i • • • i At the banquet to be given to Aa-

drew Carnegie next February when he dedicate* the laboratory of en rißt-enng of "he Steves? InsUtnte of Techztology—bniit with money given by him—=the oysters will be cooked in a miniature blast furnace con?truci»d by the students and th-- ice cream would be molded in the form cf railroad spikes. • • • * Mrs. Robert S. Robertson, an art critic arid lecturer on an of Fort Wayne. Ind.* daring a recent visit to Kokomo, found, in a second-hand store, where sh- 1 rat s arching for antiquit. a picture or Martha Washingten. which artist-; have pronounct ' id a striking an; t.-antife’ work of i art. . . 0 The Czar i* reported to have advis . cd the withdrawal of the excommnn-; - Scat ion pronounced by the holy synod i against Count Tolstoi. The r-ason assigned is that in the event of To!-; stoi's death, a refusal to bury him : :n .'OiLsecratrd grounds might cause a popular uprising. • • • There have been four Postmasters-' G r.c-ral from the State cf Wisconsin , —Alexander W. Randall. Timothy O. i Howe. William F. Vilas and Henry C. > , Payne. • • • Alexander McDowell, clerk of th-*: House of Representatives at Washington. although at present a banker ! and capitalist, was at one time a poor : compositor on an Oil City (Pa.) "•e- kly.