Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — W.C.T.U. HAS GOOD MEETING [ARTICLE]

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ET. f- D fKIIETUT SPEAKS j ■_TL NE S THE PLANS OF LARGE COMING TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. B T--e i Whole Day. During WVic*i Tr.ree Meetings * . to Take Place—Women s C'-nrtian Temperance Union Will Oo Active Work m the Campaign. t t‘njnA of th> Wom-n s Chrip hmt. Tffipmiie Union »M h"!d ye*tprd&> stv-moon Reports were read. iSXtv srkic b Rev W. D West enroll Trait* a statement in regard to the -rirrfnj; • '.nvejmon of the Anti Saloon Lmajree. This ronv<-intion. which will Ae *kU very soon, will occupy a stale day. Program for the Day. tr. the m inline a meeting will l>o *»•’<! as the V M C. A., at which rejoin of the work of the League will w read Daring the afternoon a neettng f -r onsiness men will be held nt • m Chamber of Commerce mom. above Castle k Cooke s office*. « this mi- rine addresses will be deJviTf d in Governor S B. IXsle. warU r. of she Territorial prison. Captain Hnirj and W A. Bowen. Tr. ; meeting will in* held principal's for if!-- purpo-e of as< rtainiag ■J»r »sa.-t standpoint which the br.siv -- (ti'T of this city, as one if the ■hv-[ important factors of the cotnainr.ii}. Hi" taking with : gard to the *-irr «hi h hs' been done by the 4uti-"'a'oon rnd the other temperance mahrtmn. anil the work which is intend" d t be done in the same direction. Good Resells Expected, m th*- evening another meeting « U I' h •!■; at the rotas of the Y U. C. A The \V (' T C i. now realizing in; .* ■ 'tirii e f taking very active !»■(." u tr;-* <<*rap:rcni-e campaign n or- 1 r to is* vp pace w ith the Anlifaloon and soni good re ««’fs Hre t .pected. hr- sent a* th** meeting yesterday «-n Mrs J M Whita-y. Mrs. () <1 (full' ;V. Mrs. H C. Jones. Mrs. fatvlitr. lu.-r n. Mrs Mnrkley. Miss vtani... Chumberlaiu Mrs W. L. ftopin-r Mis W n Word. Mrs \V. ti Ktit'-aid and others.