Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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(t It Pays to Set the Best No natter what you a-e buying it always pays to get the best. Th»s rule holds good in other things as well. It pays to patron,-*- the best laundry as it wdl always give you the most for your money. In this case it is the most sat sfact'on and the least wear to your clot K es- Yob are sawing money as s."eiy when you buy good la.-»-dry work as in any other cc~ r-odity. iSiinilan Skin Lmnilrv f». • * LIMITED. •‘ I jOOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOfYhCOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOtt3C > California Hrafness Shop Fort Street, V/ 0 %r> Opposite Club Stables. nfINUFfIQTViRERS Of rIJTGLS DOUBLE DRAY DELIVERY EXPRESS » CARRIAGE REPAIRING .A. Specialty D. O. HAMMAN. | /Vndrew LJsher & Co.’s I SPECIAL KESKRVK SCOTCH WHISKEY “"one equal.W. O. F=EAOOOK & 00.. SOLE AGENTS. \ s 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * t * The Coyne : Furniture Cc., IS OFFEUING SOME BEAFTIFFL BEDROOM SETS AT* - . * *— p —t aw i HOLIDAY I‘IIICKS, 12 } > 7^=£=*a. , ... In WHITE MAPLE. BIRDSEYE •> i—p . ,u MAI’LE, OAK. MAHOGANY, uv*' i** * .* —Jr.:. j i i w ASH. E(,M nnii PINE. * jTlie Progress Ulock. FCBT STEEEI •««««««««<«««« <<<<<4<<<<<<« <<<<<<C4RC<<4 CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL RELIABLE WATCHMEN FURNISHED FOR Buildings, Business Property AND Residences ALSO Ships and Dock 4 • ; 4 i* 4 4 4 Rates Reasonable PHONE BLUE mt OFfICE: 1249 FOB! STREET, »>> m m» > > >» t »» >ym»m »>>>>>>> * * The efficiency. brilliancy. j>cnetrat;ng am - - 5 isfaction, which our mu end* --! typo i \K< Ii 1 ’I > a r c 0± 2 giving recommend them to the merchant a* the best light far store use. • W .<( .4 5 Mr C. C. Eakin, of the Imperial C gar S; | t!ie new are light for some tin *. and s •' • • 4 ' further- information a<Mres : The Hawaiian Electric Co.. Ltd. * a King Hired \eur Ahtkea. A A

E. W. QUINN PLUMBER Estimates furnish"*! on First-Class Modern Plambinp. The Patronage of Owners Arrh! tects and Builders Solicited. P. O Box 162. 115 Cnion Sl

Sang Chaa Merchant lum TWO STORES. No. M Hotel, opp. ,\>» Eoglami ery. and Hotel meet. agy. Hoffman Saloon. Suita Made to Order ,n the Style*. Perfect Fit Cuarant Clothing Clear,eti, Z —» ar.d