Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
F. H. Redward Contractor and Builder 42 Punchbowl Street. Telephone BLUE 1701. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Telephone While Ml —: — Jobbing Promptly Attended To. OSCAR SELLERS PLUMBING. Office and Shop; 472 Beretanla. Near Alapal Street i Jftplng station. SEWER WORK A SPECIALTY. Why Xot KEEP YOUR HORSE AT THE jfotel Where the feed is good, the conditions sanitary, attention kind and prompt, and RATES MODERATE? James Brown, Proprietor FISH MARKET BOOTH Wm. J. ARNOLD, Manager. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A CHOICE LINE OF . . 1 Imported and * 5 . ( Domestic Meats; ' ( Fish; Lr/e and Refrigerated Poultry, \ Butter, Eggs. Cheese. Potatoes, Fruits a"d Vegetable*. Two deliveries daily to any place * within city limits —at 9 a. m and 3 i pm- i Oust' mere desiring to have their ‘ orders delivered are respectfully r«-1 ’ quested to call and leave the same prior to the hours above named. Telephone Mtiu 379.. I ICE ICE Delivered to all parts of the city. i Oahu loe & i J Electric Go. Phone 3151 Blue J i
FOR ONE WEEK OI R BIG SHIRT WRIST SIM iiflST ALL IMPORTKD GOODS of the very latest and most stylish tashions. —Don't forget, it will close on Saturday, Jan. 1 sth. A. A. MONTANO, Prop. I H. F. DAVISON, Myr. | ARLINGTON BLOCK. HOTEL STREET. Phono Main 311. P. 0. Box 57. I y f * £ *> | I I i $ y I t ill I S;i m Get tour Horses From V Telephone Main 35 lo Get ■.I i in fi o‘ u THE TEIIRIMY STABLES A MODERN LIVERY, up-to-date Id every particular. flrst<less boarding Rigs delivered and called for in any part of the city. S. F. Thomas, Manager.