Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 January 1902 — The Diapunted Name of the War. [ARTICLE]
The Diapunted Name of the War.
The Confederate Veterans. in their annual convention In Louisville, decided that the war of 1801-5 should be known ns the "war between the ■tales.” This is the name that Alexander 11. Stephens favored, and it is the one generally used by the i>eoplo of the south in speaking of that war. the northern people calling it the rebellion. Strange It is that neither name is a correct definition of the event. All know that there was no rebellion. States that had sovereigutj could not be guilty of rebellion. Neither was it a war between tiie states, but actually a wai between two governments made up of states. Some writers call it a civil war, yet it was not a war between citizens in their civil capacity, lint, as befor said, a war between regularly organ Ized governments. There Is. lu fact, u<concise way of naming the conflict: hence these misnomers. Possibly the best title would be the simple one ol calling it by the years of its h-ginniuj and close—namely, the war of ISOI-*