Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 503, 22 Ianuali 1902 — SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUB HONORS BURNS [ARTICLE]

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GRAND CELEBRATION ARRANGED Anniversary of Poets Birth to be P Occasion of Eloquence and Me'ody—Those Who Will Respond to Various Toasts. The anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns, which occurs on Sat urday nest, will be celebrated In a{r propiiate and enthusiastic fashion by the Scottish Thistle Club in the Elks’ hall at the corner of Beretania anl Miller streets on Friday night, commencing at S o'clock. Arrangements for the grand affair have been about completed and the event promises to be a delightful success. Talent has been rounded up and nearly all of the toasts have been allotted. R. Catton will respond to "The Immortal Memory of Burns"; United States Judge M. M. Estee to’"The President of the United States”; British Commissioner W. R. Hoare to "King Edward and Queen Alexandra of Great Britain"; Dr. Sinclair to "The Land of Burns”; the Rev. Alexander Mackintosh to "The Land We Live In"; Past Chief S L. Pali to "Our Past Chiefs"; Attorney Gen era! Edmund P. Dole to "The Bar"; and M. D. Macfarlane to "The Lassies."

It has not yet been decided who will respond to "The Press." R. Catton will be toast master. There will be instrumental music, singing and recitations galore. The Dillingham quartet will sing, as will also Charier Elston and others. George F Davies will accompany the singers on the piano. The Club Piper. R. McDonald Mur ray. will execute a couple of dances. th Highland Fling and the GhllHe Callum. or sword dance. T. MeCants Stewart will deliver an address or. Burns; S. Beardmore will recite, and Burns’ "Epistle to the Haggis" will be recited. The haggis, the Scottish national dish, will be prepared by Mrs. Mclntyre of Moa nalua.