Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — IN THE PUBLIC EYE. [ARTICLE]

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Rev .Dr. Joseph Dombrowski is the rector of the only Polish logical seminary in America, located at Detroit. He in Warsaw, studied at the university of that city and took part in the revolution of 18t»2. Captain Ernest G kischmidt, who was recently mentioned in the Gazette as deserving of praise for disTinguished service in the South African war. is a son of Jenny Lind, the once famous vocalist. He belongs to a Welsh regiment, Thomas P. Watts of Louisville. Ky.. who agreed to eat the large straw hat ho was wearing last election day if the Republican ticket should be defeated in that state, has gone into training for the event. H* I urposes. it appears, to make one n tal of it and has engaged a celebrated cook to make the task as light as possible. At the next session of the Ala bama legislature a successor to Unit'd Slates Senator Pettus will be elected and the friends of General "Jce” Wheeler have launched a boom in h:s behalf Senators Morgan and Pettus both reside in Alabama and this fact is offered by many Demof rats as a reason way the latter -bou’d be retired. Th? Salvation Army is floating an issue of >.30 000 of bonds to provide home for the worthy poor. The l>onds are secured by colonization lands of the arm in Ohio. Colorado and California value at 1J50.0K). On file are applications from more than 1000 families anxious to leave the (ity and settle on farming lands. Among subscribers to the bonds are Senator Hanna. Washington E. Con ner and B'-njAmta B. Tracy cf New York.