Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS OFFERED BY DIFFERENT BUSINESS HOUSES [ARTICLE]

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! Go to the Criterion for a glass of ! Seattle beer. The French Laundry on Beretauia street is working now at full pressure. all work done by hand. Abadle a Co. Patronize the Union Express Co., they move pianos, safes, furniture, meet all in coming steamers and have telephone N’o. S*> Main. A large assortment of fine watches and jewelry. Thos. Lindsay, Fort street. Buy your real estate through Judd RI Co.. Ltd., real estate agents, 307 I* angenwald building. Roberts' cream of Chocolate is one l.f the healthiest drinks on the mar-ji-t today—of great benefit to in | \ alids. Sold by F. J. Salter, grocer. I j Orpheum block. Jj Biscuits of all kinds made to order, ijt hippel to any of the islands. Luen ' I ■ Chong Co.. 120 King street. I In-growing toe nails and corns re-; moved painlessly by Dr. W. R. Bogle. ■ Arlington block, room IS. X

Be .practical even more so than logical, don’t argue about insurance but come and get insured by the Ori .ntal Life Insurance Cl).. Stangenwald building. A large guantity of fresh fruits received by the last two boats. Sun Wing Lung Co., corner of Alakea and King street. The best and the cheapest grocery ’ in town is at the corner of Beretania and Alakea streets. Fresh meat market in connection. C. Q Tee Hop & Co. A large stock of rice for island trade now on hand. H. Hamano. King street. Our carriage building department is running full force, repairing, repainting and refitting done promptly. Carriages built to order. W. W. . Wright. King street. Kalihi is the latest residential part of the town opened up by the Rapid Transit. Great opportunities for getting lots cheap on the Gulick i Tract. Apply to Mrs. S. A. Gulick. | P. O. Box 413.