Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — Latest Foreign News Condensed [ARTICLE]

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Latest Foreign News Condensed

1 The- British War OIB« has issued j a call fw 993« infantry volunteers rrad.,aily to repUu - now senrr.g .a South Africa At Manchester. England. the West ; -nghotrse Electric Company has !n • <-• than a year constructed buildings which cost S~ .'»>• ■-•••. > Brigadier-General " H. S artar.s adjutant genera- of California died in Washington. D. C.. aft~r an illt- -- of thr- - year?. The Earl of Rossiyn. backed by a -yn-iicate. has introduc'd a system ! by which he s&ys he can br»-ak the ank at Monte Carlo. The r-i- ase of M ss Ellyn Ston* 1 by th<* brigands who have held her in | captivity since September 3c is believed to be only a question of boars. A Pennsylvania Railroad official I has compiled statistics showing that 1130.000 freight cars were built in this I country last year. General De Wet has ordered the i Boer commandants to retard the • work of extending the British block > houses as much as possible. • Work has commenced at Pocatello. Idaho, on the new machine shops of the Oregon Short Line. The plant will represent an outlay of $1.250.000. L and will b«» one of the most complete r of its kind in the country. The latest capture by the Kimberley column is a Boer laager near Mokwani. with great numbers of cattle. guarded wholly by women under the leadership of the wife of Commandant de Beers. 1 Represenjative Bull of Rhode Island has introduced a bill in the House making an appropriation of 830.000 for the erection of a monu- ! mental statue to James G. Blaine. The steamer Queen City, arriving at Victoria. B. C.. on Jan. 9. from the west coast reports that a large schooner is afloat off the Vancouver island coast, upside down. It is now understood that tne Carnegie' Institution, the incorporation of which was recently announced, is a private corporation, and that a Government charter will not be asked for, as was originally intended. The latest news from Asuncion

shows that blood has been shed in the Paraguayan revolution, Th* dowager empress of China has ■->tl another edict. d:splaytcg a des.re to cOßciiiato fore.gaers. San Jtsaqnin county. Cal- will be represented by a splendid exhibit at Sr Louis Bxposit on in I>,C. The:-; is a s-. atim*-at among mem- ■ : ; t;>‘ H that the Jr;Il p- n stoning Mrs. McKinley should not be passed. T.re A-ynan-' Cooperativ- Stor at Putte. Mont., was robbed Jan. 9. f over $l3 much of the plunder being gold. P nding an investigation which is row being instituted. General Wood has suspend'd Migu*-: Gener. the Mayor of Havana. The street railroad companies of St Louis rec- nt!y organized a police brigade of its own by arming every ■ ar conductor with a "billy.’’ The Dowager Empress of China as serted her complete supremacy Jan 9 by granting an audience in the most sacred hall in the Forbidden City. The British admiralty has invited bids for the construction of two battleships. each of 16.500 tons, five armored first class cruisers and two protected cruisers. A swarm of mosquitoes has de--(ended upon Salina. Utah, and the phenomenon is considered a remarkable one. for mosquitoes have never been heard of in winter in that part of the country. They are as large as wasps. Because cf the many crimes that have been committed in Denver during the past year or two. the citizens have organized a committee of safety to protect the people against crim iuals. Streets are to be patroled at night by armed citizens, who will be expected to keep the town free of the criminal class. Captain B. H. McCalla. whose conspicuous career in the United States navy has made him one of the most interesting figures in the service, has given his prize-money of the SpanishAmerioan war for the establishing of a clubhouse for sailors and marines, in Vallejo, just across the straits from Mare Island, Cal.