Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
pftGUASSES SPECIOUS r> If* tXT IF' \ T & I IF *T i\ / 1? tl i JI J / AiUii i . ★ * * \\ • : ■ -: and nr them Ritrht —Just Right. We A. N. SANFORD, ' Boston Building Fort street. THE \\oNo\i\iU\l fltViS The Tri-Weekiy Leading Newspaper. Best Job Printing at Lowest Prices. Proprietor, - . DR. T MITAJTVKA Editor, T. KIMtTRA OFFICE: River Street near Beretania Brtdga. P. O. Box 842 Tel. White 641. . Claus Spreckels & Co. Bankers HONOLULU. • H.T San Francisco Agents The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. DRAW EXCHANGE ON SAX FRANCISCO—The Nevada National Bank of San Francisco. LONDON—The Union Bank of London. Ltd. NEW YORK-rAmerican Exchange National Bank.' CHICAGO Merchants National Bank. PARIS —Credit Lyonnais. BERLlN—Dresden Bank HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA— The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA —Bank of New Zealand VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER— Bank of British North America. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING AND EXCHANGE BUSINESS. Deposits Received. Loans Made on Approved Security. Commercial and Travelers’ Credit Issued. Bills of Exchange Bought and Sold. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED TOR -t- - v V*n*vV » i.y A J •'» Fresh milk “ CREAM “ BUTTER “ RUTTER MILK Delivered twice daily to any part 2' the town. |BT THE Star DAIRY When ordering ring up BLUE 3171. j A. B. DOAK, - Manager Citv office, phone Main 291, P. O. Box 22. OAHU RAILWAY LIND GO iB ■ 1 TIME TABLE From and After January 1, 1901