Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — SENATE RECOMMENDS THAT DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BE CREATED [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON. Jan 9—Th- v:,ate Committee on Commerce to- -ay authorized a favorable report on S-n ator Nelson’s bill for th- r-ati n of an executive department of the Government to be known a the Dr- > partment i f Commerce. B-sid-s providing for an add;’io t ai m-nili-r known as th- Secretary >f Commerce, the bill provides for an a-ri-tant secretary aud a compieiu-nt of officers. Under the new department shall be the following bureaus. I.iv- savim: service, lighthouse b >£-■: lighthouse service, marine b -p:tal ’ service, steamboat inspection ,-erviee. Bureau of Navigation and Unit-: ■■'ft State* Shipping Comm.is-: n* rs.. Bureau of Immigration. Bureau of I Statistics, tue United States Coast i and Geodetic Survey, the Comir.issiouer of Railways, the Census Oft e. j the Patent Office, the Department of 1 Labor. Commission of Fish and Fisht rles. Bureau of Foreign Commerce, [ now in the State Departm-at. to be ronsclidat d with the Bureau of S’.a tisties. Th-re H also established a bureau I of manufactures and a bureau of mines and mining. The new department is designed to promote com merce and gather and furnish ail :a- i formation on commerce and indue- 1 tries. It also relieves the other d°-j partments. notably the Treasury. >f 1 i: great amount of work now p-rfo'm I