Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — ANOTHER PRECINCT FOR OLAA, HAWAII [ARTICLE]
GOVERNOR RECEIVES PETITION. • • Hilo Railroad Charter Must be Amended Before it is Approved. Liquor Licenses and Routine Business at Executive's Council. There was a meeting of Governor I?ole and the heads of the various Territorial departments in the Capitol yesterday. One of the chief matters of importance was a letter addressed to Governor Dole by the citizens of Q;aa requesting that anoth r voting precinct be apportioned off in that large district. a K it is very inconvenient having to walk, in many cases as far as forty miles, to the polls. This letter was considered fa vorably and the probabilities are that the extra precinct will be apportioned off in Hawaii. The matter of the Hilo railroad i barter was brought up. Several amendments and additions were sagThe charter will probably be approved when these amendments are made. Liquor license* and other routine business was considered. The Kewalo affair was not brought up.