Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — SENATE COMMITTEE CONSIDERS THE FRYE SHIP SUBSIDY BILL [ARTICLE]
WASHINGTON, Jan. !«—Tb- ' tmnif- on Ship.- and S', p ■ r ‘ the’Senate Comml'iee or. Crminer*" worked two hours today over Senate: tor Frye’s ship <ubfidy bill. Of th* -ighl members of the sub-committee, five were present—Chairman Frye Hanna. Elkins Perkins aai Tirr r. AH are ;n favor of the bill ex- pt Turner. A voluminous r pert. giving statistical and expert informa. « n has been prepared to accompany tn■? bill, but was not completed today Chairman Fry*, hopes to report the bill to the whole committe*- rest Thursday, and to have that committee report to the Senate soon afer ward. It was declared some days ago by Navigation Commissioner Chamberlain. who is an ardent supporter of the Fry- bill, that existing mail contracts would not be affected by the tiew bill. But it was learned to-day ’bat the Committee on Commeri e in tends to ha. the bill so amended that new contracts may be mad- 2 immediately on the passage of the act in cases where steamship companies will give improved service. As the terms of the bill are very liberal, -transship companies are only too glad to offer this improved —rv. e.