Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS DERIVED FROM EXPANSION [ARTICLE]
■ Special to The Republican » NEW YORK. Jan. 3.—Tb* N^w York W rid this morning nnblisbes ac editorial article headed. ■ Extraordinary R*sul’- of Expan-ion. ’ which is devoted for tbhe most part to the ;i k ra- l’a:t»-.i Stat-s has had with the Territory of Hawaii The editorial says, regarding HawaiiUnder an of Congr*-?:- approved April 30. 1900, a Territorial govern | m*-nt was established over Hawaii. The executive power is divided bet's • n a Governor a Se< r--:ary. 'join appointed for four y-ars by th* Pres--.•i*-nt. and the following ifficers appointed by the Governor and continued by the Hawaiian Senate namely; Attorney<Jen~ral. Treasur er. Commissioner of Public l>ands. Commissioner of Agriculture and Forestry. Superintendent of Public Works. Superintendent of Public In?traction. Auditor and Deputy. Surveyor. High Sheriff and members of the Board of Health. Public Instruction. Prison Inspectors, Ac. All these executive officers hold office for four, years and must be citixens of Ha waii. The legislative power is divided between two houses —a S- nate of fif- i teen and House of Representatives of thirty members. Senators are elected for four years. Representatives for two. The Legislature is convened cnce in two years and its sessions are limited to sixty days. The judicial system of the Territory consists of a Supreme Court, with thfiee Judges!, and a Federal Circuit Court, ail of whose Judges end officers are appointed by The' President. Inferior courts are established by the Legislature. In Congress Hawaii is represented by a Delegate elected by the voters I of the Territory every two years. Out of the total population of 154.000 only the odd 4.000 are American born, yet they rule the islands and secured its annexation against the will of the native majority. The Chinese, of whom there are ever 21,000 in the islands, are per mitted then tinder a certificate system. but are prohibited from going thence to "any State, Territory or district of the United States." The American-born Acting Governor. Henry Cooper (Gov. Dole being dis-' abied). in his latest report recommends law permitting more Chinese laborers to come into the islands. I conditioned on their engaging in agricultural pursuits only: otherwise they are to be returned to their own country. Practically this will be a Chinese serf system—the importa tion of slav>- labor in all but name. The Hawaiians are rapidly vanishing, They number to-day less than cue-third of the total population. In 1872 there were 50.000 of them; in 1900 there were only 30.000 cf them, i In a few years, therefore, all questions touching the rights or wrongs { of the natives will have settled them selves, and the Territory will be; ready for Statehood as a community of Americans ruling a large subject! mass of alien yellow peons—Japan-1 ese and Chinese. The first Legislature of the Territory was elected on Nov. 6. 1900. The result was the overwhelming success of the Home Rule (native Hawaiian) party. They elected nine of th* fifteen Senators and twentytwo of the thirty Representatives — the remaining members being divided between the Republicans and Democrats. Tha election cry of the native voters was “Hawaii for the Hawaiian?;" The total vote cast was 10.103. There is an educational restriction on the suffrage, but the Hawaiian language is accepted as a subsituate for English in the test for registration. It may be noted, however. that the veto of the Governor can only be overcome by a twothirds majority of the Legislature, and the Dime Rule majority is one vote short of that. And at every subsequent election the native Hawaiitn vote *.v be considerably smaller. Free trade between the islands and •he United States being established, it is impossible to give exactly the figures of our commerce with them In 1899 they bought $15,000,900 worth , of American goods and sold $22,517000 worth of their exports to this 1 country—practically all of them. And] 1 cur trade i? increasing with them. As a purely business affair Hawaii — not conquered but peacefully annex ed—is the most profitable page in our I Expansion ledger.