Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — MANY NOMINATIONS SENT TO THE SENATE [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON. January S.—The President today sent the following nominations to the Senate: Leslie M. Shaw Secretary of the Treasury. Henry C. Payne, Wisconsin. Post master-General. John R A, Crossland. Missouri. Minister-resident and Consul-General to Liberia Alpbonso J. Lespinasso. New York. I Consul at Tuxpan. Mexico Treasury—Conrad X. iordaa.assistant treasurer of the United States at .\f w York. George W. Whitehead, appraiser of merchandise, district of New Tork. W S. Graham Surveyor-General of California. United States Attorneys—Frederick S Nave, for Arizona. Sardis Summerfield. district of Nevada, United States Marshals —Edward W Kennedy, district of Sooth Dakota. B F. Daniels, Territory of Ari zona. George L. Robinson. Indian agent. Fort Bertholdt Agency N. D.: George P Bennett, Register of the Land Office at Rapid City S D.