Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 Ianuali 1902 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

REMEMBER! REMEMBER! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>» »>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>£. * • * MrtWTOW’S THE advertiser's best friend Is the aMlua through which he obtains the biggest returns for his money. One medium which is used by advertisers to a great extent is the circular or booklet. The circular or booklet is always Ineffective, unless it is verv handsomehandsome enough to attract the eye of the man to whom It Is sent, no matter how busy he may be. A booklet handsome enough to do this almost always costs from three to four cents apiece. There Is the mailing to count in (two cents a copy, of course); there Is th-' trouble la getting a list of names, and in addressing. Altogether the cost will figure up to about seven cents a copy for a good booklet Two thousand circulation in a booklet is very large Two thousand circulation at seven cents is $l4O. I propose to show that you can invest $l4O In newspaper space and get returns five fold of what you would got through a booklet. Newspaper Space Is Valuable : In the first place, there Is the cost. For $l4O you can get a good sized space in a newspaper of good circulation for Quite a long time. You know your newspaper rates; yon can figure it out to suit your own instance much better than i can. So much for cost • Now for Effectiveness cu must tell your customers how much your goods are going to cost An advertisement without a price is like meat without salt—it will do you no good. How can yon put prices in a booklet when you are doing a strictly retail but* ness? You have competitors; you have to change yonr prices constantly to meet theirs, and to meet other exigencies The first change of a price will kill the effectiveness of a booklet, and where are you? Your advertisement in a newspaper may be changed as many times as von desire. You are constantly up to-date. The Newspaper Is Effective Any kind of a newspaper has more circulation than you can obtain through a booklet for $l4O. Newspapers reach the heart of the home. Every one trade them, and they are far more certain to obtain close attention than any printed matter which you would send. If you sent printed matter rf jour own accord to persons who do not know you voa would be putting yourself face to face with them with ut a guarantee. They have nothing to judge the quality of your goods by. and they can only take wha* you say on oar own paper and in your own way. Anybody can say as much as they please. TThen your matter appears in a newspaper of go d clrcnation and good standing the newspaper is a guarantee for what you say. Newspapers are always particular as to whom their advertisers are. (I speak of good newspapers always i lour ads Will gain a va U g their inherent one. Tory will be vouched for, and this is not to b- despised. Y«.u have a certain fluctuating trade, which is alwavs valuable and which needs some sort of an Introduction to your store! This introduction the newspaper gives you. : Good Paper Adds Dignity ■\ou are ki hr the company you keep, you know, and if yosr ads appear in a paper which holds itself -ip be fore the masses as a leader, yon will be known as a patron of what is good, and you will obtain trade fr m those whom it is worth trading wfth. On all scores I consider newspaper advertising bv far the beet. On the score of cheapness; on th« score of being able to constantly change your announcements; on the score cf direct and immediate returns; and on the score of b< ng introduced to people, to strangers, as a store which can af ford to announce its news to every one in a dignified and straightforward manner, and this is the manner which hr.ngs trade that pays. FRANKLIN BURNHAM. New York City. * The above article, written by one of the best inf ;rm- d advertising men In the country. Is in line with the buslnes* policy advoc»t-d and maintained by THE HONOLULU RE PUBLICAN. His description of a good newspaper and Its superior merits a.- Cr advertising m- dium is distinctly appi - cable to an essentially reliable an 1 dignified family pap. r of large circulation, such as THE REPUBLICAN. . cmmttttu <C<<<<<C<« « cttmtittu,

EXCORE SALOOX Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigar RYAN A DEMENT. Northwest corner Hotel vad N'Bu'li Streets. DEPOT SALOOX Honolulu Brewing end MsHteg Draught end Bottled Beer. King (treet, opp. O . R . ft L. Co. Depot RYAN A DEMENT, Prop. X. TAITAS ZJL, Nuaaau Street. Beck of CTuh Steeles Fine Bath Howe Fin* Barber Houee. Fine Imported Cfßars, Fie* Boot PclMk Steed

The Union Express Co,, Office with Efisie? Bulletin. 1U Sin* Street felephon* *e '.Ve move wife*, piano* and furniture. We haul freight and lumber. W* sell black and whit# *and. W* meet all incoming coant §teaaa»rs We check baggage on all outgoing earner*. W. LARSEN. Manage: | _ | Board, $4.50 per week Meals. - - - • 25c Each PSIfATE 8801 FOR LABIES. 3VXBTTHINO NEW, CLEAN and FRESH. Tfye popular FJestauraijt IMkel Street, sack Pcatoffee.