Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — ANOTHER KAMAAINA GONE TO LAST REST [ARTICLE]

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FRANK BROWN DIED YESTERDAY Well Known Business Man and Politician Passed Away After Long Illness From Heart Disease— Will Be Buried Today. Yesterday morning at 9:15 Frank Brown, one of the best known kamaainas of this city, died from valvular disease of the heart, from which he had been suffering for a number of months. The deceased was 61 years of age. He was born in England near London and came to Hawaii with his parents in 1846. In 1853 he went to attend school in Connecticut. After leaving school he was in business in New York until 1863 when he returned to the islands via Panama. He was with Janion, Green & Co., and later became manager of his uncle's liquor business. When this was sold to the Macfarlane's he started in the same business himself in which he was engaged until his death. Frank Brown leaves behind him his wife, nee Miss Caroline Wundenberg. He was a son of the late Registrar of Convevances, Thomas Brown, and a brother to Godfrey, Cecil and Malcolm Brown and Mrs. Alex Mackintosh. He was a member of the legislature three times and was a Democratic candidate in 1900. The funeral will take place from the late residence of Mr. Brown, King street, this afternoon at 3:30. The interment will be in the family lot la Nauanu cemetery. Rev. Alexender Mackintosh will officiate The pall-bearers are as follows: H. M von Holt, F W. Wundenberg, J H. Soper, O St. John Gilbert, Geo. Smithies and C. M. V. Foster.