Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — U. S. S. SHIP MOHICAN ARRIVES AT HONOLULU [ARTICLE]

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THREE HUNDRED BOYS ON HER. Training Vessel Comes Direct Jrom Lower California and Cuts Hilo Out of Program—Will Stay in the Harbor for About Ten Days. The f. tv training ship Mohican arrived here yesterday morninf* and an chored in naval row. Sne was thirtytwo days out from Lower California, where she' was for several days practicing with her large guns, and having a general target practice. As she was a little behind lime, the' Mohican did not call at Hilo, but came direct to Honolulu. She will stay about ten days and then sail for the south seas on a cruise. There are three hundred boys on the vessel, and they will be given shore leave during their stay. They are on their first cruise at sea and most of them are California boys. Their health is excellent, and so far. they have enjoyed their sea life very much. It Is expected that by the time the Mohican rctruns to Ran Francisco, the boys will have become thoroughly acquainted with all the details of seafaring life and will be turned over to the Mare Island navy yard, as good all round able American seamen.