Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 Ianuali 1902 — Shipping News and Notes [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Shipping News and Notes

The S. D Carleton sailed for the Sound yesterday morning in ballast. The schooner Concord will be laid up for several weeks and completely overhauled. The Malahinl is almost ready for launching and. within a day or two. will have her trial trip. The bark Gerard C. Toboy sailed i for San Francisco at noon yesterday : with a load of sugar. The Lehua will be fumigated today and hep sailing date for Molokai has 1 been postponed until tomorrow. it is expected that the Hawaiian will be ready to sail for I.ahaina and Hilo some time next Saturday. The Manna Loa will resume her regular run today at noon, while the i W. G. Hall goes bark on her regular Kauai run. The schooner Stimson was damagi ed to the extent of about $lO,OOO in , collision with'the German ship Robert Rickmers on December 20th at Se-. . atlle. The name of the steamer Simon J Murphy was fo.mally c hanged to Melville Murphy, after one of the new owners at San Francisco. on Decerni bev 50th The Sierra is due to arrive here ‘ from the Colonies some time during 1 the afternoon and she will be given as quick a dispatch as possible • i The steel four masted Frenc h bark 4 <(* rnpslth»* fi<vV trt Whii'll ■she was moored at Portland on IV-, cember 31sl. and suffered serious damage to her spars ‘ 1 First Officer John Folletl and Second Officer Georse R I-auriat, were interested visitors at the meeting of the Honolulu lodge of the Masters' and Pilots' Association The big freight steamer Hyades moved to the Railroad wharf yester day morning and has begun* taking in freight She will sail for Kahului on Wednesday afternoon The Shipowners' Assoc iation of the Pacific Coast is moving for legislation

to exclude all Jpreign vessels, except those of Spain, from trade between the United States and the Philippines. Rear Admiral R. D. Evans, who is to succeed Rear Admiral Rodgers as Commander-in-Chlef of the Asiatic squadron, will probably sail for Manila from San Francisco some time this month. The German steamer Clara has been wrecked.near Hoi Hu. Island of Hainan. Forty-two of the ship’s company were saved by the French steamer Hanai, but Captain Ulderup and three officers, four European passengers and eleven Chinese are missing. The master of the iron ship Bowman B. Law. who arrived at Halifax. X. S.. recently from England, reports that his ship was today destroyed byfire at Japan. She had carried a cargo of oil from the United States. About two-thirds of the cargo nad been discharged when the ship caught fire. The following changes in shipmasters have been made at San Fran- is : co: C. J. Tosen succeeds Peter J. 1 Johnson on the steamer Grace Doli lar; T. Tonneson takes the place of G. H. Harvey on the steamer Liberty; J. W. B. Balch is in command of the schooner Annie 1... succeeding C. Keller. During repairs to the ship Dashing Wave, at Oakland. Cal., on January 4. a solid shot three' inches in diameter was discovered in one of the stern timbers. The shot is said to have been fired into the Dasning Wave during her pursuit of the Confederate cruiser Alabama during the Civil War, when she narrowly escaped capture.