Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — BURGLARS ON WATERFRONT. [ARTICLE]

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Visit Pacific Mail Dock and Engage in Fight With Night Watchman. Early yesterday morning the night watchman on duty at the Pacific Mail dock saw a diminutive man prowling b* hind a pile of goods which had been taken out of the steamer Hyades. He watched the felIcw for about five minutes and saw him trying to open one of the numerous boxes deposited there. The man. who proved to be a Japanese, saw the watchman and started to retreat. He did not run fast enough however. A- he arrived at tlie main gate leading to the street the watchman overtook him and gave him such a beating tiiat he will remember it for a lung time to come. The watchman allowed him to go. and went aboard to have his right hand dressed, as the pummeling he administered to the Jap resulted in a big swollen hand. He had resumed his watch only a short time when burglar number two was discovered. This time it was a white man but his nationality could not be ascertained. The officers of the Hyades attracted out of their raliins by the noise, think he was a Herman, while the watchman beI eves he was an Irishman. The watchman tackled his second job but did not find it as easy as the first. This was a lively, square American light and. although the watchman got the best of it. he is on siek leave toiay nursing a dislocated hand.