Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — STEAMER PERU ARRIVES FROM JAPAN AND SAILS FOR THE COAST [ARTICLE]

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Takes Away Hawaiian Money to Be Remelted liainii Slop Mohitan Drops Her Mud Boots in Nsval RowBurglars at tlie fait Mail lotk-Captain Soriersreri But til Jaß-Georp Bockley is No* an Admiral.

Th»- Pa- ;fl' Mail steamer China Captain D E Friele, arrived from the Orient about 7:30 on Sunday night. The China left Hongkong on December 81. and Yokohama on January 10, and had a good passage to Honolulu. Tho China brought three passen-c*-r» for Honolulu Mr. and Mr*. J. ('.ray o* England and Edouard Solly of Paris and 215 Japanese and three Chinese, She carries twenty through < abin. 67 Chinese and 17 Japanese passengers. One of the cabin pasf Tigers to the Coast is Surgeon L. W. Spalding. U. S. N.. and in the steerage is a surgeon of the Imperial Japanese army. The China discharged S6O tons of freight at Honolulu and sailed for San Francisco at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon. A number of Honolulu people left for San Francisco on the China They we re P. A. Perry. Miss R. A. Turner. J. A Marriner. \V. T Howard and wife, B W Holley. R 11 Spalding. \V. H Hoogs and wife. Miss Sherwood. Mr. Lehmann. Jas. Wake-field. W. Fisher George Roe. Mrs. M. J. Carroll, E R. King. A. Caro. Ten thousand dollars of Hawaiian money were sent away on the China to b»' reinelt‘*d and made into Amer ban coin.