Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 502, 21 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Win. F. Wilson Co.. The l ~ z Plumber* of San Fraacisco bare de-lded to locate a perC 3355; ln Honolulu. This -rill pve the residents of this ’city an opportunity of haring their plumbing done at reasonable rales by the most ?k:I!ful mechanics in the | p'umbing buiiness. OFFICE AND SHOP AT THE Alexander Youn? Building. Fred Harrison Contractor and Builder. Jobbing Promptly Attended to H. HflMflND Japanese Importer of Preducta . • Provisions and Wines . . Cor. King and Smith Streets PHONE liuen Chong Co. Manufacturers cf All Kinds of BISCUITS. CRACKERS. HARD TACK. RICE HANDLED. —Large Importers of — Flour, Groceries. Fruit and Vegetables WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 120 KING STREET. P. O. Box 972. Phone. White 801. THE TRAVELER S INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD LIFE—ACCIDEKT-HfAITH A. C. KiOUEKIN, AGENT TERRITORY OF HAWAII. 403 Judd Building. Tom Sharp gignogpaphlst (Successor to CHAS. SEYDONE.) n’-To QIIIII6 > • Hiuna Designing and Gilding. Advertising a Specialty. Office and Wo-kshop: 1170 UNION STREET. WHY MI BUY THE BEST? *IT COSTS no more •A w. Eureka Wickless Blue Flame OIL STOVES ao.d vita aCctrsa'.M Kerosene and Gasoline Wickless Stoves —FOR SALE AT THE— Hawaiian Hardware Co. ltd FORT STREET. ♦ Bcaioeas men vtll tell yon ♦ ♦ that as ad in The Republic- ♦ ♦ as brine* food result* be- ♦ ♦ caoM the people read it • 1 \ \ \ \ \ i