Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 Ianuali 1902 — MANAGER OF SEATTLE CO. IN HONOLULU [ARTICLE]
STEAMERS TO RUN ON SCHEDULE ) Mr. T W. Nottingham. Gene" s.', , Ag-nt of Navigation o*lol, pany of Seattle, is at the Hewn:-..in, Hot-:. He arrived yesterday or tdAorangi and will spend a raontr r. th i-.ands looking into the furth*-: ance of th business of his firm tween Honolulu and San Fran. When seen last evening by a Rpublican re; ter. Mr. Netting • ..m was in exliuberant spirit. He 4 just ha*! an interview with L E ■ Beebe, the loeal agent of the a- • and it had been a most satisfy one. Steame-s Here to Stay. “Yes sir." said Mr. Noiting “we are hre to stay I have n ,-; much to say for publication only - point out this fact that our steam---have start' d to come here on reg tit schedule tim- and will rontinte redo so. The Eureka was h:rr week with a full cargo from Sea‘- - 1 and the Tampico will be here on! January 24th with another load of merchandise. We have opened v;m-: immication- with the Northern ce-: ropolis and intend to maintain hem “Seattle and the Hawaiian Islands; have many products to exchange. Yv:! ' v ant our coal, our lumber and beer. We need your sugar. To ar-1 rive at a good system of interchange we nerd rapid and direct mean-. >fj communication. Our steamers o'* on the line are the best of their k.r : j and others equipped wdth the rL-.-t modern improvements will be added to the list as business may requ.rFor the present our line will run u bi-monthly service. In the near fu-< ture. howev- r. it may be that we 7 have a more frequent one. Seattle and H.oclulu. “S-attle is keeping pace with -.ie times an-1 <ioe= Honolulu. Th- f-:-ture of the two cities is immense ) ‘Our own port of Seattle is rapid ly becoming the main gateway to the. Orient. We have now several line-, of steam-rs running regular service to Japan. China au. 1 the Philippm- ; Islands, not to speak of oar tral- j with Alaska and Hon lulu. "You. h-re in this beautiful spot, so aptly railed :h a Paradise of the Pacific. your future Is wonderfully full of good things With tbe cable! connecting the islands with the main , . land, and th* l opening of the Nicara j gua or Panama canal. Honolulu wiP ; become one of the m'-st important j cities on the Pacific ocean. Great Future for Honolulu. “Steamers . arrying the products of. peace and grim looking ships of war will make Honolulu their port of (a" for provisions of all kinds, and the! Hawaiian Islands will thereby be-1, come better known ani nsoT> appro-J tinted by the people of th® Failed 1 States.