Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — RACERY DEFEATED BY MOLLIE CONNOR [ARTICLE]

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WINS PACE BY FtVE LENGTHS , T*rr*e :f W.nr-er s LIT Fiat —Many Race Track People Enjoy the Event—Mjny Sets A*e Lost aro Won. j Quit a i row t of Honolulu ra* track *-onn ;r> «-r- present a' I the Kapic-ian; track yesterday after noon to witness the race between Bai lentyne ** ma--- Mollis Connor and Tom Hdlingers Racery. There wa-s quite a bit of money put up on boti. sides, mostly ;n smaller sums, being pretty even with Mollie Coti nor slightly the favorite. The hor?es got away pretty even a* the first start, Mollie Connor took a Lad of about a length from the very start and kept in- reas-ng the distaa. - during the whole of the three quarter mile lap. finishing up easy abou* five lengths in the lead of Racery The time of - ’r.- winner was 1.17 flat. Mollie Connor was ridden by Lenj l.art while McAuliff? rode Hollinger s animal. The judges of the race were Edgar Halstead. Harry Wilder ami Captain Cluney. Jim Quinn acted istarter Ea*h side had put up t2A* 0 n the race.