Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — LIVELY BASEBALL GAME AT Y. M. C. A. [ARTICLE]

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MAILE-ILIMAS V. INTERMEDIATES a ! Score in Favor of Maile-tlimas —Game Was Fast and Clean—lntermedir ates Have Distinctive Uniform. Fred Young Referees. The second baseball game of the indoor baseball game took place last night at the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. ) between the Maile Ilimas and the Ini termediates. f The ?afte was a lively one. and the fast and clean playing of both teams was the subject of much favorable comment. The Intermediates presented a fine • 1 appearance in their white, suits, decorated with blue and gold rosettes, and set a good example for the other , bagae teams In the way of some distinctive costume. • Geo. Desha led the scoring for the Maiie-Ilimas. with 4 runs to his credit v and Moses Keoho s«-ored 3 for the Intermediates. The latter team showed ! up surprisingly well and with more practice ought to make a good run for ! the championship. The game, which lasted HO minutes, ended with a-score of 14 to 11 in fa vor of the Malle Ilimas. Mr. Fred Young was the referee. The line-up was as follows: Maile-llimas. Intermediates. Rob MoCorriston .0.. A. Mose* Keoho Dan Falvey p Will Kerr John Clarke Ist... Tom McGuire Arthur Blackman 2nd C. Gilliland ’ Harry Batchelor -3rd Oiaf Oss Ben Clarke s. s Tom Evans i Chris Jenkins ..r. f... Paul Perriera, Geo Desha Lf J. Schaerman c. f Louis Efvres