Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — BIG PICNIC IN SIGHT. [ARTICLE]

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Proceeds to Go to Families Made Homeless by African War. On Washington’s birthday the African Centra! Committee will have a grand excursion for the benefit cf families made homeless by the war ’ti South Africa Tickets, which can be had at S! each, children 50 cents, ere sold at the Hawaiian Bazaar in the Masonic block and at 1418 Emma ftre.t. Tickets will include the trip on the Rapid Transit to the old b“ wery giounds in Kalihi where the picnic wiil be h Id. Sports, music and dancing will be part of the program and I rizes will be offered. In the morning there will be a picnic fo- school children at the same place.