Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 Ianuali 1902 — ORPHEUM CLOSES A SUCCESSFUL WEEK [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


ENTERTAINMENT IN VAUDEVILLE Last Week’s Receipts the Largest in the History of the House—Change of Program is Arranged for Monday Evening. !-ast night’s receipts-for the World’s ' Entertainers closed a banner week in i the existence of the Orpheum theater, from a financial side as well as the standpoint of what ha» been by far the best entertainment in the vaudeville iine that has ever been presented in Honolulu. The management states jubilantly that the takings for last night were the largest in the history of the house and only limited by the capacity for seals and standing room, Saturday night houses are proverbially good ones to play to and the excellence of the performance was fully appreciated. Powell, the St. Onges, i Alice and Arras. Salerno. Flatt and Sutherland, Hadden. Bunth and Rudd, the whole bill was enthusiastically and deservedly applauded. Good as the performance was on the opening night, the growing familiarity j of the orchestra with their difficult* task has made the program much ; more enjoyable of late. There are j just two nights left of the Entertain-1 ers and the program will be changed | again for tomorrow evening. A party j of forty, a tenth of the Honolulu four j hundred, will occupy a block of seats 1 on Tuesday evening and help to give' the artists a royal send off. Manager J. G. Rial, whose name is i one to conjure with in theatrical cire-; les, exercising his own judgment, has effectually proved the popularity of the Orpheum.