Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 Ianuali 1902 — MRS. WILCOX GETS FULL PARTICULARS OF HUSBAND’S CASE [ARTICLE]
Mrs Theresa Wilcox was seen last night at her home on Hackfeld street, and asked if she hail received any news from her husband by yesterday’s mail. "f received a letter and a telegram.” -aid the wife of the Delegate. "I ns. terribly frightened when I read the letter. It was dated Washington January 6th and wa? mostly typewritten by my husband's secretary. my husband writing me a few lines at the end of the letter. He was seriously ill at the time. ”1 also received a letter from Mr. Wilcox’ secret*'’: dated the 6th. informing me tb.it while my husband was calling on some friends in Washington on New Year's night, he was suddenly seized with dizziness and fell to the floor. On regaining consciousness he vomited blood, and when the letter was written he was very sick. Better News by Wire. ‘ In the same mail, however. I received a telegram from my husband, dated Washington. January 10th. I wish that I had road the telegram first, for then I would not have been so frightened. “1 learned from the telegram, which was four days later date than the letter. that my husband was a great deal better, and that there was no immediate cause for alarm.” Mrs. Wilcox produced the telegram of the 10th. It read as follows; Washington. D. C. Jan. 10. 1902. Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox. Honolulu. H. T: Have been seriously ill. Am now recovering. Have best doctors and nurses. Am getting well slowly bnt surely. Do not be alarmed. ROBERT. Ulcer of the Stomach. ’ My husl>&ad has been troubled for seme time with an ulcer of the stomach.” said Mrs, Wilcox. "It has now and then caused him much trouble and great pain. He telis me not to be alarmed, however, and I hope •hat he is all right. I shall wait to hear hy the next mail how he is getting on. ff he Is worse or is no better. I shall take the next steamer to the Coast. I am not sure bat what I will take the next steamer, anyway , and not wait to hear further from him “When I read the letter dated the 6th, saying that my husband was dangerously ill. it made me feel very badly to think that I had been giving a loan for our son’s birthday while Mr. Wilcox was suffering in Wash.Jgton. If we bad a cable now. such a thing could not happen. When I previously heard from my husband he was enjoying good health. It was a great shock to me to hear that he was so
' ilk The telegram, however, four days later than the letter, was some comfort."