Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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It Pays to Get the Best 8 No matter what you a-e buy “g 't always pays to get the be*'. i rule helps good m other things as vseti It pays to patro- is the best la-.-d-y as t will a *ay s give you the most for your man*''. In this case it is the most satisfaction and the least wear to yo*n clothes. You a'e sawing money as surely when you buy geed sundry wo r k as in any other commodity. ,4 < 4 Sanilan Slemii laiiiidrv (’«. * LIMITED. 5 oooocooooocooooooooooooooooooocooooooooo«>dooc<xx>codC' California harness Shop Fort Street, •» S Opposite Club Stables. jV 1 'fj n/INUf/?CTVJRERS OF SINGLE COVBLK D&AY DELIVERY EXPRESS I CARRIAGE ) VLvW Ik REPAIRING JL Specialty D. O. HAMMAN, I Arndrevv EJshcr Sc Go.’sj iI’KCIAIv KICSKKVE SCOTCH WHISKEY “ NONE EQUAU " W. O. F=EAOOOK cS 00.. SOLE AGENTS. * * : : * * * » * * a •>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>?>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'>>>>• 8 The Coyne _ \ Furniture Co., i ■- ■ i IS OITEIHNG SOME - " -■ BEALTI ELL BEDUOOM SETS AT,“«r ; jv_ HOLIDAY PRICES, | ;I A In WHITE MAPLE, BIRDSEYE MAPLE, OAK. MAHOGANY, ASH. ELM and PINE. t mz jun ifr t \ lyj ~~i*o a The Projjres4s lllock. FORT STRhEJ ■* «<««<«<««<<«<<<<<<<<<* <«<<«<<<<<<<<<<<<***<**<** CONDON’S NIGHT PATROL RELIABLE WATCHMEN FURNISHED FOR Buildings, Business Property AND Resiliences ALSO Ships and Docks 2 I >: 4 4 2 Rates Reasonable PHONE BLUE 1211. OFFICE; 1249 FORT STREET. >».»>> > > >» m»»» >nnmi»i »>>> »>»»>» m»w** *\ The efficiency, brilliancy, penetrating; power ant! general -at-i.-faction, which our new enclosed type of ARC LK»HIS are giving recommend them to the merchant as tlu- best light for store use. » « 2 I s I Mr. C. C. Eakin, of the Imperial Cigar Store, ha- been tiding the new arc light for some time, ami 'ay-: no other." ft We 1;;-,V' rnanv such n* a- t' 't! -" i- * 2 5 greatest recommendation. Can be seen at Manufacturing SI • <* o * 5 Co .W. W ! > ; :n tod’s, <3 5 » further information address 3 i The Hawaiian Electric Go.. Ltd. \ Ivinir St reel Near Alakca. « : <«<«<<« i tmmmmntTwmmmtms" E. W. QUINN Sang Ciiaxx plumber Merchant Tailor Estimates furnished on Ftrst-Clase Modern Plumbing. The Patronage of Owners. Arthl tects and Builders Solicited. TWO STORES. No. 64 Hotel. ot>p. New England Bag ery, and Hotel street. o»p. Hoffman Saloon. P O Box IS2. Suits Made to Order in the Latest Styles. Perfect Fit Guaranies*. 115 Union 3L Clothing Cleaned. D-cr* end Re*a»>«*