Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS [ARTICLE]

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The foil'-* rg trass*'tions la real • estate have b-.ea recorded: Heco'-ced January S. 19C2 V I Karr-;'- to M A S Christ ' agre* m^n"; is ere*:t on cf building , and •-octroi f f.rerai-es Kaiulan tra- 1. H uolubi. Oahu Book hi* } pag* 484. DM • • V M > a:. : « to HcmoI ialu a Ma't:::;: Company [Limited Grar. - .T* . Henuaka | ba, Honolulu. Oahu; s7* B> k .r. 4 j pa** 22 Da- r ' 19*>i M. Kapcla asl h:- and to L. L. McCandie#' > • A? 3. R P B*7 | Kul. 9379. Walnut- Ew». O-fe * j Book 234. pag 7; Da- •D* --mb " ; is. 19" I. Recc'ded Ja".sry 9 *972. Kaploiarl Estat- Limited, to W. C A< h : ; partial rdtac; Jet# 2! and Work 9. Kariolan! tra t. Hoaol” 1 ” j Oah;i; $650. Book 232. page i | * A. K. Campbell to VT. C. AchJ. partial release; lot- 2; and 29. block 9, Kapiolar.: tra't Honolulu. Oahu: $l. Book 237 ;-a£- 3’. Dai-1 Jan nary 7. 19"7. Young Yar. et a!, to J. Andrade; [mortgage: portion# Ap 1. Kul. 3*>9 ' and Grant 55 Kekanlik- str- • Ho | no’ulu, Oahu; $7" Book 232. page jr* Dated January 9 19- 2- ] W C • | Aohi: partial release; lot 21. block 1 : •>. Kapiolani tract Honolulu. Dana; • $323. Book 232. page 37. Dated JanI nary 8. 1902. A. K. Campbell to W. C. Achi: : I partial release; lot 21 block *l. Kapio- • lani tract. Honolulu Oahu: $1 B ; 232 page 37. Dated January 8, 1902 I F. Strauch and husband to A. Gar [ vie; mortsas p rti n Kul. S 3. Nuu * anu valley. Honolulu. Oahu. $250 , Book 232. page 38. Dated January 9 [ 1902. i Recorded January 10. 1902. i A. Congdon to Theo F. Lansing: , power of attorney, gt-neral power#. • Book 224. page 4S.t Date.; December J 12. 1901. ] \ P. F. Ryan and wife to C. Brown: \ 1 mortgage: portion Gran- 3483, Kalihi [ Honolulu. Oah $b • Book 23", i j page 193. Dated January 10. l'*"2. 1 Recorded January 11. 19*12. * Thomas Mttcalf ft al t > H, Feck*-: partial deed: one-half of Grant 882. one-half of Grant 118 Mar.oa Honolulu. Oahu; $1 Book 231. page 143 Dated January 2, 19"2. P. n nmann et aL to Th #. Metcalf; i partial deed; ■ ne half Grant *<nj, one I half Grant 118. Manna. Honolulu. | Oahu: SI. B< k 231. page 143. Dated . January 2. 1902. F. Neumann ft ai .to E. M Ikaika: partial deed; one-fourth of Grant 882. one-fouith of Grant 118. Manoa. i Hono’ulu. Oahu; $!. Brok 231. page | 124. Date" January 2. 19"2. H. A. Jaeg r to Bank of Hawaii. Limited; chattel mortgage; live; stock, tools, buildings, etc.. Wahiawa. etc.. Kauai; 13000. Book 23". page 193. Dated January 10. 1902. Wong Yee Chan and wife to J. E. Fullerton: mortgage; piece land. Kapalatna. Honolulu. Oahu; $212.50 Recorded January 13, 1902. Honuaiwa to H. Akona; lease; portion R. P. 6910. Kul, 3915 and build ing. Waimea, Hawaii; ten years, at $7O. Book 228. page 447. Dated December 23. 1901. E. L. Estep to W. H. Beers et al.: assignment of mortgage; mortgage Kahoaka and wife in R. P. 7908. Kul 8327. Otihi. Hamakua. Hawaii; $32" Book 187. page 233. Dated March 2. IPOf.