Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — WIRELESS TELEGRAPH TO THE FARALLONES [ARTICLE]

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WASHINGTON Jan S—S ■■ retary Gii- has written a jetlrr to Secr> tary Wilson grant.ng perm'ssion to tne i Weather Bureau to establish stations ■ for conducting exp rimenta in wire- “ less .telegraphy between Point Reyes 1 ard the Farallon islands, and providing suitable buildings on the islands f r th accommodation of employ es. !t i# the desire of Chief Moore to es tablish this service as soon as possi i ; , He and he believes Point Reyes-Far alien stations are the best adapted tt experimental purposes. Wh n th< ' system is established the lookouts ai • : the FUrtMooea mill report shipping math r r- nd tions. etc. %