Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — Latest Foreign NeWs Condensed [ARTICLE]

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Latest Foreign NeWs Condensed

The Ban fkci strike is reported as . • i ‘ St < kton. Cal ;s to have a class • I factory. A bri.Jiant m-teor has -een j a Utah. Snail pox is reported a: Ran.] ! -’z. California i China is seeking American capital ! to bni’d railroads. There has been a marked decrease i .n French revenues. • Th“ Santa F- Railroad is to ia-j ! -rease its bond issue. It is reported that David Beasco is i at last to have a theater in New York. Oil In large quantities has been j -tm k on San Diego County, Cal., j desert. Dr. Ernst Lieber. the Centrist Dad j it in the Reichstag, is fatally ill at j Berlin. j Boer leaders are said to be con- 1 j tem plating overtures with the Brit , ish government. Extensive improvements will be j made in the California State Insane , Asylum located at Stockton. A revolt has arisen In Bogota. Co j lorabia and President Jos:- Manuel; „ M tqnin has be< n imprisoiu d. Commodore Edward E Potter. U. S N . died of paralysis at his home. Belvidere. ill.. Jan. 8. aged t>3 years. The Sultan of Turkey is said to' have vainly sought to enlist French j aid to prevent the Italian occupation j of Tripoli. The incident of the German rail j road between Caracas and Valencia has been arranged and the line has been op- ned to traffic. Emigration from Hamburg and Bremen during the year 13"1 amount d to 203.03 s persons, as against ISo.. 43b persons in 1300. The last week in 19«»1 saw the first lawful execution of a negro - convicted of the crime of rape ever held in ih“ State of Mississippi. Alma do Bretteville of San Francis--10 has sued Charles J. Anderson, a wealthy Klondike miner, for $50.0"" for breach of promise of marriage. The ■ " r Norman Sun le oa n t d and sailed by John Daniels of Seattle. lies a hopeless wreck on Five Finger island. Alaska, says a Seattle dispatch. The unique silver service, costing $lO,OOO. to be presented to Admiral i .-chi y by friends in Pennsylvania. New York and Maryland has b.en 1 . ompieted by Baltimore silversmiths. ■J The enforcement of the religious in- || j ; 1 ruction of Polish children at Wres[i j then in the German language instead j I : in the Polish tongue lias been i | abandoned by the German GovernI iront The case of 11 ar-Admirai Schley j.J now being considered by the Alter j ney-General for th? purpose of disI covering whether there was any illei gaiity in connection with the court of inquiry. Chari s Warren Stoddard, the Cal-!!o-n;a poet, who for thirteen years i filled the chair of English liter , ;. . v at the Catholic University, will J . e ign this spring and devote his at ; i ;nion to literature, j Two children — Earl Et-nhoff. aged y and his sister Agnes, aged 7—who made the 3.000-mile journey from Ashland. Or. unattended, to go to their aunt in Germany, sailed from t Now V' K on the steamer Darmstadt. The Muso party in Cuba fulfilled ’ their threat of ignoring the election and withdrew ttuir candidates (,r presidential and senatorial electors The result was a light vote and th-‘ overwhelming success of the party of Palma. A freight engine just out of the shop and fired up iu the roundhouse of the Central Railroad of Georgia - xploded without warning at Macon. Ga.. killing three m n. injuring a number of others and shaking the entire city. Secretary Long has detached Rear-' u Admiral Wildes from his present duty

is Comaandis: of The Pensacola j Navy Yar; and ordered him to re- ! i; v- R-ar-Adsairal Loots Kempff, the I junior ‘qua-troo commander of the Asiatic station. T.i# overthrow of the Castro itigi in, VeiKdKla, which now appears •- possible. »i i b- followed by fie <i:-pat h of the entire North At : lantic squadron to the water of that i minify. G >ra J. Franklin Bel! is conducting a vie ..-r.Tts antpalcn in Patangap covin ce. The columns under the • umrnand of Colonels Wint and . Dougherty are doing excellent work and driving Filipinos in ail directions Th- Ei; : a-, nue Trust and Savings Company of Cleveland. O- made an assignment Jen 1" to Attorney Frank H. Gina. The latter's bond as fi\M at S-.*' by Judge Bio h of the Insolvency C-urt. An American trunk line from Can ton to Hankow. China —the long cherished dream of many promoters —is at last to be realized through the tusin-ss daring and enterprise of a few New Yorkers, backed by the milli. ns of August Belmont, Two masked men. says a Tacoma ’ ispalch. entered Felton's saloon at Flaston. and. with revolvers in their : hands ready for action, ordered the bartender. Corwin, and ten other men to hold up their hands and be prepared to be relieved of their valuables. Tw-lve English skylarks, procured i with infinite pains, are now in the Golden Gate park aviary at San Fran j cisco, and it is the intention of the park commission to liberate them lat- ; e; on. when it is hoped they will settle down and multiply on the peninsula. United States Circuit Judge William W. Morrow of San Francisco, and through him the State of California. has been honored by his election as one of the trustees of the Carnegie Institution, which has been j incorporated in Washington under the J]o.oi'o."ot,i endowment. B. K. Anderson, alias Byron A i Keith, was arrested at Hamilton. Mont., by a Pinkerton detective. Anj oerson. while a telegraph operator and express agent at Stuttgart. Ark . i about Oct. 1. 1900. absconded with a i package of currency containing $B.000. deserting his wife and two children. Edward L. Canfield and William Mitchell, general prisoners at the United States military prison at Al i alraz island. San Francisco, drank a beverage of which wool alcohol form ed the principal part, and died from the effects. Three others were taken to the hospital, but are expected tc recover. The French Minister. M. Beau, at Peking, refuses to present his credentials until China fulfills certain demands cf the French Governra nt. The speech from the throne, read by the Imperial Chancellor, Count von Buelow. at the opening of the Prussian Diet. Jan. 8. took a gloomy view of the economic situation. "Coyote" Smith, a well known character in southern Arizona, was found dead in bed at Pearce mining camp, in Cochise county. It was believed a! first that he had committed suicide, but an examination of the bullet wound in his head showed that Smith had been hit by a hammer, probably afte r the shot was fired. • Jimmy Burns of Spokane knocked out “Mexican" Pete Everett at Salt Lake. Utah. Jan. 10, in the thirteenth round of a scheduled twenty round bout at the Salt Lake Athletic Club. The Rochester German Insurance Company has decided to re-enter the Pacific Coast field. Mayor Phelan of San Francisco, be j fore retiring from office, appointed C. A. Murdock to succeed as civil ser- ' ice coaunif the late J. Richard Freud. He also appointed his broth-er-in-law. Frank J. Sullivan, park j commissioner to fill the vacancy ’ caused by the resignation of Colonel Walter Martin.