Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I THIRD AND LAST Great Clearance Sale SUB Waists for 3 .55 54,08 Waists for 52.30 1.58 208 3.00 >i %t •i ii ii it ii ii ii ii .15 1.08 1.25 458 5.08 U 5 6.03 6.50 ti it ii ii it it it it ii ii 2.25 2.50 2.15 3.80 3.25 Shirt Waists at Half Price WHITNEY & MARSH, LTD. •TrTTTiTimmimTYimiTiinTiiimimmmTTTir E OUR CROW FOR 190 S *• M M groceries § 2 A boy once wrote: “I lava rooster f?r tew things— on? ir the krow that ir In him. and the other is the spurs that air on him to bak up his crow with." • • • % We admit having crowed often and loud, but we have th* “spurs to back up the krow '* • • • We sell pur*: and wholesome Groceries. s H. MAY & GO., Ltd, La ' M >• E M m I* & - H H M H K M M La ft M | M 1 H TTTTT»TTgTTI'TTTTT t ITT TH I tmillllllllXHmilllXXX l P* Boston J Block. Fort Street. Telephones, 22, 24, 92. P. O. Box SS''. YOU ENJOY 1Y; YOU NEED IT, TOO. PRIMO LAGER Has all the wonderful tonic proportie- oi pure hops and malt. Absolutely pure and properly aged. Order a trial case from the Brewery. TELEPHONE MAIN 341. DELIVERED FREE IN CITY. The Drawing Room Of one’s house betrays whatever refinement and good taste there is in its adornment to the casual visitor. A VISIT to our store will convince any one of the excellence of our stock and the reasonableness of our prices. I. ii. Williams*, 1 146-1 148 FORT STREET. “Union” Gas Engines STATIONARY MARINE—^ Agents von Hamm-Young Co,, Ltd. MAIN 276.

Ladies’ Underwear SKIRTS ud CHEMISES Vod« toOrteraod &'►>'. Initocfc DRESSMAKING! Good Fit Guaranteed. Best Workman ship. Lowest Prices. LJ. SUN, JfXJTTA JTT AVKfTJE Near Ptiofii ii SEATTLE BEER!I On Draught or i a lottle t S 8 at the 8 'CRITERION" $ ii

m. S. IRWIN I GO., LIB 090 Wm. G Irwin. .Presides* A itMZA&zr Clans Spreckels. .First Vice Pesi-ienf W. M Glffard. Second Vice Presides; H. M. Whitney. Jr... Treas md Sec*y 000 Sugar Factors —AND— Commission Agents, 000 AGENTS FOR THE Oceanic S. S. Co. Of San FraacUca. Cal.