Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — Revival of Polo. [ARTICLE]

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Revival of Polo.

Polo, the Map of sports, has at last given pr-'ffllie.of a flourishing existence in Hilo. The popular paslime which has been showing only mediocre sign* of life has at last budded out into an enthusiastic reality, Two full Hedged teams hare at ia«t been picked and exciting and >n leresting sport will hereafter be the rule on Saturday afternoons. Manager McStocker af the Olaa plantation has been late rvlewed byi some of the lovers cf sport at Nine-. .Mile, with the r*suk that the latter are elat?d over the outlook at that place. There seems to he a decided lack of interest in base bail circles sine* the advent of the Maui team's vsilt.