Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HONOLULU HARBOR. No. 54. American Association of Masters and Pilots. All members are fequested to attend meetings on the first and third Sunday of every month in Harmony Hall, at 7 p. m. Sojourning Brothers are invit •.1 to attend. G. H. BROKAW. Worthy Captain. O. «. PII.TZ. Captain’s Cl-rk. NOTICE. Intending passengers by the S. S. •’Sierra." leaving Honolulu for San Francisco jn January 21st. are hereby notified that the above mentioned steamer will be given quickest possible dispatch, and will not remain at this port more than six hours, day or night. Tickets for the above sailing must te purchased at the office of the undersigned not later than MONDAY. JANUARY 20th. The Company will r. ;t guarantee to receive baggage after the arrival of the steamer, nor to arrange transportation after the above date. WM. G. IRWIN A CO- LtdGeneral Agents O. S. S. Co. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that intend ing nassengen* p r steamshp "AO RANG I." due to sail for the Colonies on the 18th ic s ? . must apply for passage not later than Thursday, the * J*th inst, C AN ADI a N-AUSTRALIAN STELA M SHIP I.INK. THEO. H DAVIES * CO. LTD.. Agents. NOTICE All persons are forbidden to trespass on the fishing rights at Ka ka Waialaa. Island of Oahn Any person j trespassing or fi>hing will be prose-j cated to the full eiteot of the law. CHINO AKIN A Ivesse* »