Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — John G. North in Distress. [ARTICLE]

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John G. North in Distress.

Tee schooner John G North, which left Honolulu about the last a f December. bound for Port Townsend, put into San Franri'.-o on January ftth. in distress In latitude 35 deg. 53 min. north, longitude 146 deg. 23 min. w-st the schooner encountered a southeast bale. The foresail and spanker were carried away, and she labored so hard in the heavy sea that she sprang a leak. Tbe water poured into her at the rate of four inches an hour. The pumps had to be kept going, and the vessel was forced to put into San Francisco for repairs. She was taken to Hay and Wright’s shipyard in Oakland.