Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — Personal News. [ARTICLE]

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Personal News.

C. Motley returned from Hilo yesterday Oscar White and family have relumed from a visit to the Mainland. F. T P. Waterhouse is back from Hawaii. He was away on a bc?in-s« trip Mrs John H. Coney, of Kauai, return'd from the Coast on the Peking ;. t sterday. Harry von Holt and family return «d frctn an extended visit to the Coast yesterday. W. Phillip Hall has returned to Honolulu aft r a prolonged absence, on the Mainland. Andrews was among the returning passengers on the City of Peking from the Coast. I ft> Dillingham was amone the yassengers returning from Hawaii ports by the Kmau yesterday. J. G. Rothwell and wife are booked . to leave San Franc ise-.j by th“ Ven-> tura which left that port on Jan. 16th Judge George D Gear has notified friends in this city that he will leave j»an Francisco for hom-* before Feb ruary Ist, J. \V. f'atheart. Assistant AttorneyGeneral. having completed his labors at Hawaii courts, returned to Honolulu yesterday. Prince and Princess Cupid gave a dinner at Moana Hotel Friday night at which Mrs. P. A. Jones and daugh ter were guests. Word has been received that Mr ; and Mrs J R. Gall would leave San Francisco by the Ventura to return. home after their visit on the Mainit.nd. Editor Frank J. Testa was among, the passengers who returned by theKinau yesterday. Mr. Testa has been on quite an extensive tour of the isl ands. Mrs. Julian Monsarrat. wife of the representative of the Kau district on Hawaii, arrived by the" Peking yesterday morning after a visit to the Coast. Mr. W. G, Taylor, auditor for Alexander & Baldwin, has been on Maui auditing the books of the different 1 lantafions controlled by Messrs. Alexander A- Baldwin. Mr. C. B. Cottrell, master mechanic for the Kahuiui Railroad Company, has resigned from the employ of the company. He will leave for Honolulu, in a week from tomorrow. Mr. S. T. Alexander, senior partner tn the firm of Alexander & Baldwin, is on Maui this wet k as the guest of Mr H. p. Baldwin. He is going over the different plantations with Mr. Baldwin. Assistant Superintendent of Public Works. Marston Campbell, returned yesterday from a general tour of in- j speetioii of roads and bridges on Ha- j vaii. Mr. Campbell superintended the construction of several now bridges and culverts while away. A. M. Sow-all. formerly master of the ship Benjamin Sewall. arrived bv the Aorangi yesterday. Mr. Sewall made the journey to Honolulu for the! purpose of inspecting the damages sustained by the vessel. The Sewall however. left for Australia on Wed nesday last. Mr, J. N. S Williams, formerly of* the Honolulu Iron Works, who superintended the erection of the new mill 1 a* Camp V. Spreckelsville, has acrepied a position with the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., as chief en--1 gineer, to succeed Mr. Lowell, who’ has already resigned. L. K. Beebe returned by the Kinau yesterday from a business trip to Kahuiui in the interests of the Globe Navigation Company. Mr. Beebe was successful in capturing a number of desirable contracts for future • business for the line of Seattle steam » rs w hich he represents. C. B. Ripley, president of the Contrue Construction Company, has secured a contract for the construction of a church at Manila. He expects to leave for the Philippines b fore very long Mr. Ripley wt'l also figure upon the work of ereeting a number of school houses iu that country. It is r» ported that Mr. W, J. Low.ic has tendered hi< resignation as manager of Spreckelsville, and. that Mr. H P. Baldwin will *noc*ed dm until some one is appointed to the place. Mr Lowwie has been manager of the Hawaiian Commercial A: Sugar Co. for a long time, and ha« proven himself a very valuable man. It is also staled that his resignation will take effect a week from tomorrow. Mrs. C A- Brown was the ho-'tess of a delightful dinner party given at the private dining rooms of the Me tna Hotel last Thursday evening. The table was dressed in pink which was cleverly interspe-sed with festoons and garlands of green. Among the guests present were the following; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mr and Mrs H F. Wlchtaan. Mr. Fr“*l Lewis. Mr. Paul Mulendorf. Mrs. Stone and Mr and Mo- C. A- Brown Mr and Mrs. George It- Carter gave a pleasant dinner party at the Moana Hotel on Friday evening m honor of Mr. and Mrs H A Strong who are visiting in the islands. The affair was rendered more enjopable by the presence of the Territorial band which gave one of its weekly con-, certs at »he hotel. The tables were prettily decorated in carnations and maile. the entire color scheme being tn pink. ' Included among those present were: Mr and Mrs H G. Strong. Miss Olin Gregg, and Mr. and Mrs. George JR, Carter.